  • 學位論文


Research on the Construction of Artificial Island in the South China Sea:From the Military Strategic Perstective

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中國於2013年起不斷於南海進行填海造島工程,其範圍之大速度之快,且建造各種軍民基礎設施及軍事部署,使周邊聲索國相繼提出抗議,更違背了2015年訪美時的承諾,不會在南海有爭議性的島嶼進行軍事化,此舉不僅無法穩定區域和平,更使南海衝突一觸即發,各聲索國不但宣稱擁有島礁主權,區域外大國更以宣揚航行自由介入南海爭端,使南海區域更加複雜化及軍事化。 中國於十八大報告當中提及堅決維護國家海洋權益,要建設海洋強國,然而南海為東西往來國際航道,擁有豐富的海洋資源,是連結經濟結構的中心,更是亞太地區極為重要的戰略地位,中國在南海的積極作為,間接地改變了南海的戰略型態,中國的崛起觸動了國際間的敏感神經,南海主權儼然成為國際社會博弈的指標,中國過往韜光養晦政策已逐漸消失,南海已籠罩在中國的軍事力量,突破島鏈封鎖企圖,走向遠洋戰略,為謀求國家利益的最終根本。 由此,本文從中國在南海島礁建設發展現況,分析過程中窒礙因素,區域內及區域外國家對其所造成之影響,探討中國不斷擴張主權之目標,所運用各種方法與 手段,達成符合中國的軍事戰略。


China continued to be the South China Sea island reclamation project in 2013, a large fast speed of its scope, and construction Various military and civilian infrastructure and military deployment, the surrounding sound cable States have protested more against the 2015 visit, When the commitment is not militarization of the islands in the disputed South China Sea, a move that not only stable regional peace,The South China Sea conflict is more imminent, the sound of each cable outside the country have not only claimed sovereignty over islands and reefs, more regional powers to promote Airlines, The Freedom intervention South China Sea dispute, the South China Sea more complicated and militarization. China mentioned in the report among the eighteen resolutely safeguard national maritime rights and interests, to build a maritime power. However, the South China Sea is an international channel between East and West, rich in marine resources, It is the center of connecting economic structure and the most important strategic position of the Asia Pacific region. China's active actions in the South China Sea have indirectly changed the strategic pattern of the South China Sea, and China's rise has touched the country As a sensitive nerve between nations, the sovereignty of the South China Sea has become an indicator of the international community's game. China's past policy of keeping low profile has gradually disappeared. The South China Sea has been shrouded in China's military power, breaking through the island chain blockade attempt, and moving towards the ocean strategy, in order to seek the ultimate basis of national interests. Thus, this paper from China in the South China Sea islands and reefs hinder the construction and development of the current situation, the analysis process factors within the region and Countries outside the region caused by its impact, the goal to explore the expanding Chinese sovereignty, and use a variety of methods,Means to achieve military strategy in line with China's.


