  • 學位論文

結果補語與可能表現的研究 ―日語母語者在漢語學習上之誤用分析―

A Research on Resultative Constructions and Potential Constructions ―An Analysis of the Errors in Chinese of Japanese Native Speakers―

指導教授 : 菊島和紀


日語母語者在學習漢語”「動詞+結果補語」結構”(以下簡稱”VR結構”)與”可能表現”時,由於結果補語具有多樣性的語義表達,再加上助動詞“能”的可能表現形態又容易和”可能補語”相混淆,因此,對日語母語者來說是難以掌握的語法點。但是這類的表現在日常生活中使用的頻率非常高,若不能掌握此語法點,在與華人交流的過程中會產生困擾進而避用,因此對漢語學習者來說是重要的語法點之一。而日語也有表示結果的”複合動詞”,這類複合動詞對日語母語者在學習此語法點時會不會受母語正負遷移的影響?除了母語遷移的影響之外,是否還受其他因素的影響?本論文將對日語母語者在漢語”VR結構”與”可能表現”學習上所產生的偏誤及偏誤生成之原因進行分析與探討。 本論文從問卷調查中收集了日本留學生學習VR結構與可能表現的偏誤句,經過整理和歸類,探討日語母語者在學習漢語VR結構與可能表現時的困難點及誤用的主要原因,以期讓學習者在運用此語法點時能掌握其特點,減少日語母語者在學習及運用中所產生的問題。 本論文以六章構成。第一章為日語複合動詞與漢語結果補語的文獻探討。第二章為日語與漢語可能表現的文獻探討以及比較了助動詞“能”的可能表現形態和可能補語的異同。第三章為日語與漢語的結果句式以及可能表現形式之對照。第四章為問卷調查題目的形式與調查結果的統計。第五章為偏誤類型的介紹與問卷調查結果偏誤的分析及原因之探討。第六章對全篇論文進行了總結,並整理出造成各類型偏誤的主要原因為學習者個人差異、母語負遷移、目的語規則泛化及教師的教學等。


Due to the diverse semantic expressions of the resultative verb complements, and the confusion between the potential expression of the modal verb “Neng” and the potential complements, native Japanese speakers find the Resultative Constructions and Potential Constructions in Mandarin Chinese difficult to learn. However, these constructions are frequently used in daily conversation, so to acquire this important grammatical point is a must for Chinese learners. While there are also compound verbs expressing result in Japanese, there might be language transfer for Japanese learners in learning this grammatical point. Beside the influence of language transfer, other factors are discussed and analyzed with errors of Japanese learners. Through arranging the questionnaires from Japanese overseas students that show sentence errors in Resultative Constructions and Potential Constructions, this paper discusses the reasons of errors, and hope to guide learners to master the usages of these constructions and reduce making errors. There are six chapters in the paper. First chapter is the literature discussion of the compound verbs in Japanese and the resultative verb complements in Chinese. The second chapter reviews the literature of potential constructions in Japanese and Chinese, also compares between the potential expression of the modal verb “Neng” and the potential complements. In chapter three, there presents the contrast between the resultative constructions and potential constructions in both Japanese and Chinese. The fourth chapter presents the form of questionnaires and the statistics of the result. In chapter five, there are the introduction of the error categories and the error analysis and discussion from the result of the questionnaires. The sixth chapter concludes the whole study and presents the main reasons of errors from learning strategies, language transfer, overgeneralization and transfer of training, etc.


国語学会 (1980)『国語学大辞典』東京堂出版 
日本語教育学会 (1982)『日本語教育事典 縮刷版』大修館書店
張麗華 (1985)「日本語の「シオワル」と中国語の「完」について」、『大阪大学国文学研究室紀要論文』第46巻
