  • 學位論文


The Constructivist Perspective and the Problematization of Femicide in Mexico

指導教授 : 馮慕文


墨西哥的女性謀殺問題自1993年起即受到國際媒體關注,尤其華雷斯市(Ciudad Juárez)發生的女性謀殺形式及手法殘忍,受害者通常遭到綁架、支解及性暴力等虐待而成為國際焦點。自1993到2019年,官方統計有超過2000名女性受害者,然而當地公民自助組織調查後指出實際受害人數遠超過統計數字。而墨國政府早期對於並未重視女性謀殺,對應措施、相關法律及政策皆以謀殺(Homicide)為定罪及調查方向,並且長期以來的有罪不罰(Impunity)、無作為及忽略的現象,導致女性受害者逐漸增加。直到近年才將女性謀殺納入刑法,官方國家安全機構統計。 專門研究華雷斯市女性謀殺的拉丁美洲女性學者: 拉加德(Lagarde)、蒙娜雷(Monárrez)、塞加朵(Segato) 指出,華雷斯市內的女性謀殺案件具有系統性暴力(systematic violence)的特徵,而其中美墨互惠邊境發展政策之加工出口組裝廠間接提高女性的歧視和壓迫與受害的機會。另外,有組織犯罪集團猖獗,人口販運、販毒及伴隨的暴力手法及思想同樣也使女性暴露於高風險的環境。除此之外,當地政府的漠視及無作為也構成系統性暴力的主因。 本篇論文以社會建構主義理論之三個非國家行為者(Non-state Actors): 跨國倡議網絡(TANs)、知識社群(Epistemic community)和國際組織(International Organizations)為理論基礎,將女性謀殺問題概念化及問題化,並探討墨國女性主義非國家行為者自90年代以來逐漸影響國內政府及當權者增修相關政策、憲法修訂,以及增修刑法的過程。藉由聯合國、美洲國家組織與公民社會婦女團體: Nuestra Hija de Regreso a Casa (NHRC)及婦女非政府組織聯盟OCNF與聯合國的合作為例。國際組織、非政府組織公民社會組織透過各自方式對國家當權者施加不同程度的壓力,進而帶來墨國對此議題的重視。 時至今日,非國家行為者確實引起墨國政府對女性謀殺議題的關注,然而,本篇論文研究結果發現深植民心的父權思想及犯罪集團氾濫等等因素,造成雖有相關政策及懲處,女性謀殺受害者人數卻反而增加。因此,確保聯邦與地方政府之間政策執行程度一致,以及政府對女性謀殺等女性人權相關議題仍相對被動,皆為墨國當權者的挑戰。與此同時,非國家行為者仍然持續行動,並喚醒更加強大的倡議網絡為與之抗爭以持續發揮其影響力。


Femicide had been prevalent for decades in Latin America and around the world. The main objective of this study focuses on femicide in Ciudad Juárez. Since 1993, rising female homicide number has caught global awareness. Official statistic shows that there are over 2,000 female victims in Ciudad Juárez from 1990 to 2019. Scholars who dedicated in researching femicide in Juárez indicated that victims were usually experienced kidnaping, mutilation, and sexual abuse. However, the local NGOs investigated more cases that are unregistered. When these crimes prevailed, local governments reacted indifferently, which revealed the systematic violence against women. The prevailing femicide has stimulated feminist self-help activists that cooperated with the legal and academic professionals, which led the Mexican government to be aware of this issue and formulate countermeasures. This study borrowed the theory of non-state actors in Social Constructivism: Transnational Advocacy Networks, Epistemic communities, and international organizations’ influence on conceptualizing and problematizing femicide, discussing the process of Mexican non-state actor, such as NGOs, feminist scholars and UN’s pressure on amending or formulate political and juridical measures. Today, non-state actors have indeed attracted the Mexican government’s attention to the femicide issue. However, this thesis has found that the rooted patriarchal ideology and prevalent organized crimes and other factors have been preventing the progress of relevant policies and punishments. Hence, femicide victims are increasing. In addition, the inconsistency between federal and local decree, and the relatively passive attitude towards female human rights issues remain the challenges for Mexican government. At the same time, non-state actors continue to take action and form the stronger advocacy network to fight against the unsolved issue.


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