  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Using Art Therapy Drawing in Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia




This report presents the case of a patient with chronic schizophrenia and long-term delusional symptoms. Moreover, his irregular medication use resulted in the degradation of his overall function, thereby affecting his social skills and self-care abilities. We applied drawing-based art therapy as the care plan from July 25, 2019, to August 16, 2019, to alleviate the patient's symptoms and establish disease awareness. Direct care observations, interviews, a patient medical history review, and assessments of the five schizophrenia dimensions revealed his ineffective coping and health maintenance. Through the art therapy approach, we guided the patient in a friendly manner to draw aspects of his life, such as his memorable good or bad experiences, gaining his trust through nurses' self-disclosure. Art therapy encourages patients to express themselves through drawing to enhance their self-understanding as well as to relive painful illness experiences and address the negative feelings appropriately. Moreover, it assists patients in evoking previous positive experiences that help rebuild self-confidence and improve coping abilities. The achieved self-understanding further results in improved medication compliance. In the future, nurses' demonstration and thematic guidance can be integrated into drawing-based art therapy in accordance with the patient's individual needs to optimize benefits.


schizophrenia art therapy drawing nursing


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