  • 期刊


Prediction of Lateral Load Displacement Curve of RC Wall with Openings Failing in Shear


低矮型鋼筋混凝土(Reinforced Concrete; RC)住宅建築使用了大量的開孔RC 牆,但由於工程界對開孔RC 牆之耐震行為不甚了解,故於耐震評估與設計時,常將開孔RC 牆之貢獻予以忽略或是過度折減使用。此將造成住宅建築之耐震能力被嚴重低估,這對低矮型住宅結構之耐震設計、評估與補強工作有不利之影響。本文對開孔RC 牆在剪力破壞控制下之側力位移曲線提出建議,其係以開裂點、強度點及崩塌點為轉折之曲線。經與反復載重之開孔RC牆實驗比對,得知本文建議之側力位移曲線,確實能合理反映開孔RC牆之耐震行為。本文建議的分析程序已大幅簡化,可以手算執行,非常適合工程實務之應用。若對低矮型RC建築執行側推分析,而將開孔RC牆模擬為等值寬柱時,本文建議之側力位移曲線,可供該寬柱剪力塑鉸之模擬使用。


There are plenty of RC walls with openings in the low-rise residential buildings. Due to unawareness of the behavior of RC walls with openings, their effects are often ignored or undervalued during seismic assessment and design. In consequence, the seismic capacity of residential buildings is greatly underestimated, which is detrimental to the work of seismic design, evaluation and retrofitting for the low-rise residential buildings. In this paper, a lateral load displacemen tcurve of the RC walls with openings subjected to shear failure is proposed. The turning points in the structural behavior are defined as shear cracking, shear strength and collapse point. The proposed model correlates well with the available test results of RC walls with openings. Calculations of the proposed model are greatly simplified to fit in the purpose of design in practice. For the pushover analysis, the proposed model can simulate the properties of shear plastic hinge of the RC walls with openings.


