  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient Experiencing Powerlessness with Terminal Ovarian Cancer




卵巢癌 末期 無力感 血液透析


This article describes the nursing experience of a 58-year-old long-term blood dialysis patient with end-stage ovarian cancer. Data were collected during the nursing period from October 20, 2022 to November 16, 2022 through discussions, physical assessments, observations, review of medical records, and direct care. The data were analyzed and integrated using Gordon's Functional Health Patterns to conduct an overall assessment and identify health problems, including excess fluid volume, powerlessness, readiness for enhanced self-care. During the nursing period, the author established a trusting nurse-patient relationship with the patient and provided individualized care. The patient was taught acupressure massage to reduce fatigue and abdominal discomfort that led to loss of appetite. The author worked with a nutritionist to understand the patient's dietary preferences and develop a nutrition plan to maintain basic metabolic needs and a blood dialysis diet. The author provided active care, companionship, and listened to the patient's psychological problems, encouraging the patient to express their inner thoughts, clarify their powerlessness and anxiety about the disease, and empathy with their first chemotherapy and other anxiety. The author also referred the patient to patient support groups and provided information to provide emotional outlets to reduce anxiety and depression. Cross-team care services were used to solve the patient's social and economic problems, and the patient's children were informed of the patient's condition changes, worries, and helplessness, rebuilding their family's operational capabilities, and providing professional services such as home care to improve family dysfunction problems.


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