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The Prison Litigation Reform Act: Restrict Frivolous Litigation by Prisoners


1996年施行的美國「監獄訴訟改革法案」是一部解決受刑人藉用司法救濟以濫訴方式對抗監獄行政管理的法案。自1960年代,美國法院為保障受刑人公民權,開始介入監獄管理並審查受刑人的在監處遇。然而,受刑人濫訴導致訴訟案件數量上遽增、在訴訟的性質上流於輕浮、惡意或枝微末節。至1990年代,受刑人之濫訴使得美國社會大眾普遍地認為:當司法權過度地干涉監獄行政權時,將導致監獄的行政職權(administrative authority)弱化、耗費司法資源等諸多弊病。美國「監獄訴訟改革法案」一改之前法院過度介入監獄行政管理的狀況。法案中的措施,諸如:限制法院提供受刑人預防性救濟、受刑人提起司法救濟前須先窮盡所有的行政救濟程序、禁止受刑人單純地提起精神或情緒傷害的訴訟、規定受刑人的律師費用、受刑人需繳交全部訴訟費用、法院審查起訴內容,若為輕浮或毫無法律意義或無價值者可不待審理而駁回起訴,以及受刑人濫用司法救濟的三振條款等,皆是用以抑制受刑人濫訴的措施。本文認為,監獄所涉及的係矯治犯罪人偏差行為的專業事務,監獄內紀律秩序的維持屬於高度專業性的問題,監獄本於行政職權的行政行為理應獲得司法機關較大的尊重。當受刑人以司法救濟作為對抗監獄行政管理的工具時,實有必要限制受刑人濫用司法救濟,以確保監獄的行政職權不因司法權的過度介入而弱化。另外,美國「監獄訴訟改革法」的立法,呈現出在司法、行政兩者權力分立的架構下,司法權尊重監獄行政權、尊重監獄行政專業的意義,深值我國司法實務參考之價值。


The Prison Litigation Reform Act of the United States, enacted in 1996, is a bill that restricts the prisoners to bring nonmeritorious and frivolous lawsuits against prison administration. Since the 1960s, in order to protect the civil rights of the inmates, the US courts began to intervene in examining the prison conditions. Then, the problem of frivolous litigation of the inmates has gradually emerged. The Prison Litigation Reform Act sought to reduce frivolous litigation by prisoners. In 1990s, the public generally believes that when the court excessively interference into the nation's prison administrations, it will lead to: the erosion of official authority of correctional system, burdening the caseload for courts, etc. The Prison Litigation Reform Act imposes strict limitations on when inmates could file lawsuits, such as: limitations on prospective relief, exhaustion of administrative remedies, the bar on actions for mental or emotional injury without physical injury, stipulates the attorney's fees for the inmate, and requires prisoners to pay court filing fees in full, the indicted person must pay all the costs of the litigation, the cases will be dismissed for being frivolous or malicious, or for failing to state a claim, and three strikes provision. The prisons that incarcerate people should be highly esteemed due to its professionalization. Due to the frivolous lawsuits harassing correctional personnel, a court shall not grant any prospective relief unless such relief is narrowly drawn and extends no further than necessary to correct the violation of the Federal right, and the inmate has already exhausted administrative remedies. To stop the micro-management of the prisons by federal courts, to ensure the administrative agency's authority will not be weakened. The legislation of The Prison Litigation Reform Act also shows the spirit of the separation of powers. The judiciary respects the prison administrative authority and the administrative profession.
