  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationship among the Attitude, Satisfaction and Well-being of Student in College Clubs




The purpose of this study explored the relationship among participating attitude, satisfaction and well-being of college student in clubs at eight public and private colleges and universities of technology in Southern Taiwan. These data was obtained by questionnaire survey, with 671 effective responses from participants. The results of this study show: (1) There is canonical correlation on club student of colleges between the relationship of participating attitude and satisfaction, participating attitude and well-being, satisfaction and well-being in clubs. (2) The variables of Personal background, participating attitudes and satisfaction are able to significantly predict well-being in clubs, especially in intrinsic satisfaction is the most predictable variable to well-being. (3) Satisfaction plays the important mediating role between participating attitude and well-being. Finally, based on the results of the research, some suggestions and future study are given.


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