  • 期刊


Deep Learning Algorithms for Museum Collection Inventory Management: A Case Study of the National Museum of Taiwan History




The four main functions of modern museums are collection, research, display, and education. The preservation and management of cultural artifact collections are the key tasks involved in collection. As the core objects of display and research at museums, cultural artifact collections are the greatest physical evidence of the endurance of history and culture. Each museum houses multiple collections. Because museums serve as the main venues for the protection of cultural assets, collection storage is one of the main functions of museum buildings. Most of a museum's collections, except for cultural artifacts that are on display or are being loaned, are kept in storage. Inventory of cultural artifacts is a cumbersome but crucial task in museum collection management. Smart technology can be used to improve the efficiency and quality of collection management and achieve intelligent management (smart storage). In this study, two popular object detection algorithms (Scaled-YOLOv4 and YOLOv5) were trained on self-defined cultural artifact images to develop a model for cultural artifact recognition and inventory, which may be used to improve the efficiency of museum inventory management.


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