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A Survey of Organic Fertilizer Application for the Main Fruit Tree by the Farmers in Central Taiwan


本調查自民國81年元月起至四月止,在中部地區選擇栽培面積較廣之柑橘、水梨、葡萄、枇杷、蕃石榴等重要水果產區,進行農家有機肥料使用種類、有機肥料使用量及施肥時有機肥料使用種類數調查,以充分了解中部地區果農施用有機肥料之狀況,俾供推動果樹有機栽培及果樹有機生產技術研究之參考。調查結果發現,果農使用有機肥料之種類依來源可歸類為植物性有機肥料、動物性有機肥料及具品牌商品類有機肥料三種。就果農對有機肥料喜好而言,除枇杷果農偏愛有品牌商品類有機肥料外,其餘果農較喜愛施用植物性有機肥料中之油粕類或動物性有機質肥料中之禽畜糞。果農每年每戶每公頃平均約投入10,671 kg有機肥料,其中屬動物性者最多,平均每年每公頃投入5,656 kg,植物性者次之,平均每年每公頃投入3,621 kg,有品牌商品類者最少,平均每年每公頃才投入1,484 kg。果農間有機肥料的施用量相差很大,其影響因素很多,但真正原因仍未明瞭,有待進一步探討。葡萄、蕃石榴果農,習慣使用二種以上有機肥料者較只使用一種有機肥料者多;但柑橘、水梨、枇杷果農則相反,尤其枇杷果農同時施用兩種以上有機肥料者比例最少。


果樹 有機肥料 調查


In order to improve the organic farming technique, a survey on the application of organic fertilizers for the fruit trees by the farmers was conducted in the mian fruit-production regions in central Taiwan from January to April in 1992. The growers of citrus, pear, loquat, and guava trees were visited, and the kinds, the amounts, and the application methods of organic manures to these different farmers were investigated.It is found in the investigation that there were three categories of organic manures commonly used in the fruit tree regions in central Taiwan. They are plant residues, animal manures, and commercial organic fertilizers. To all fruit farmers, the average application rate of organic manures is 10,671 kg/ha/year and the application rate is different in the decreasing order of animal manures (5,656 kg/ha/year), plant residues (3,621 kg/ha/year), and commercial organic fertilizers (1,484 kg/ha/year). The aplication rates between farmers also differ greatly. Many factors may cause this noticeable differences, but the real factors are still unknown. The choice of organic manures are also different from farmers. Loquat farmers prefer commercial organic fertilizers, while other fruit tree farmers favor oil extract wastes or animal manures. As to the frequency of application, there are higher ratio of farmers favor multiple use than single application in grape and in guava, and the reverse is true in citrus, pear, and loquat farmers, especially in loquat, very few farmers will adopt the multiple application method.


fruit tree organic fertilizer survey
