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Effect of Rice Straw Incorpotation on the Soil Fertility and Rice Production


利用能源物質,加速稻稈分解,減少作物毒害,本計畫利用添加微生物、氮肥或其他有機物質(米糠),探討稻稈掩埋後對水稻生長與稻田土壤肥力之影響。試驗自82年7月至84年12月,計五個期作,於花蓮縣吉安鄉吉安村石灰性坋質壤土農田進行。試驗結果顯示,水稻在分蘗盛期及乳熟期之株高與分蘗數,六種處理中以稻稈掩埋加氮肥之處理之分蘗數較多,株高較高。水稻葉片之營養元素含量,各處理氮、鋅含量皆較低,其他元素皆在適量範圍內,各處理間無顯著差異。水稻產量構成因素、產量調查結果得知,稻稈移除區(對照區)之穗數11.8穗最少,稻稈掩埋加稻稈分解菌處理之14.7穗最多;各處理之一穗粒數為86.3~90.7粒,千粒重25.8~26.8g,各處理間無明顯差異;稻穀產量以稻稈移除區5.0 tons/ha最少,稻稈掩埋加氮肥處理及稻稈掩埋加米糠加稻稈分解菌處理均為6.1 tons/ha最高。分析連續五個期作後之土壤性質,稻稈掩埋可增加土壤有機質含量0.3~0.6%;稻稈加氮肥或加米糠及分解菌之處理可增加土壤磷、鉀、鈣、鎂、鐵、銅、鋅等元素有效性之含量。84年二期作水稻在不同生育時期測定土壤深度0~60cm之pH值,不論有、無稻稈掩埋,各種處理在浸水狀態下土壤pH值均會升高,而在曬田時期土壤pH值則趨向試驗前之數值。




Experiments were conducted from July, 1993 to December, 1995 to study the effect of rice straw incorporation on the rice production and the change of soil fertility. Microbial inoculants, N-fertilizer, and bran were added to the soil to promote the degradation of straw and to reduce the toxic compounds produced during straw disintegration. After five crops of rice, the plant height and tillers at the vegetative tilling and milking stages were higher in the treatment of straw incorporation and N-fertilizer amendment than the others. The nitrogen and zinc contents of leaves in all treatments were lower than average; however, other elements were in normal range suitable for rice growth. Totally, there was no significant difference among the treatments. At harvest, the panicle numbers per hill for control and straw incorporation with microbial inoculant treatments were 11.8 and 14.7 respectively. They were the lowest and highest numbers among these treatments. The grains per panicle in six treatments were 86.3~90.7. The 1000-grain weight of these treatments was between 25.8 and 26.8 g, and the difference was not significant among the treatments. The grain yield of control was 5.0 tons/ha, the lowest if compared with others. The rice production in the treatments of straw incorporation with N-fertilizer and straw incorporation with bran and microbial inoculant were both 6.1 tons/ha, which was 22% more than control. Rice straw incorporation could increase the organic contents of soil 0.3∼0.6%, and promote the labile element contents in soil, such as P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, if applied with N-fertilizer or amended with bran and microbial inoculants. During the cultivation of 2nd rice in 1995, the soil pH at the depth 0∼60 cm in all treatments was higher at flooding period than at drying period.


Straw incorporation


