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Breeding of New Cherry Tomato Variety-Hualien Asveg 14


小果番茄新品系CHT1201為1999年亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心自其選育之優良自交系進行雜交,經各級產量比較試驗、抗病性檢定,所選出之優良雜交組合。行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場於2001年引進進行區域試驗、肥料試驗及栽培密度試驗等,於2004年12月29日經命名審查委員評審通過准予命名為「花蓮亞蔬14號」。本品種為雜交一代品種,非停心型,果形橢圓形,成熟果桔黃色,平均果重13.2公克,每100公克鮮重含有2.66毫克β-胡蘿蔔素,糖度為6.5~7.2 °Brix,風味佳,質地口感脆,硬度高,不易裂果,抗萎凋病及番茄嵌紋病毒病,適合春、秋及冬作種植,春作每公頃產量平均約26.2公噸,秋作每公頃產量可高達54.8公噸。


小果番茄 品種 育種


The new fresh cherry tomato line CHT1201 was developed in 1999 by the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) after preliminary and advanced yield trials, disease evaluations and seed production tests. CHT1201 was introduced to Hualien District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in 2001 for regional yield trials, fertilizer trials and plant density trial, and was registered in December 29, 2004 as a new variety 'Hualien Asveg 14'. The Hualien Asveg 14 is a single cross F1 hybrid. It is a variety of indeterminate growth habit. Fruits are oval-shaped, orange yellow at maturity, have an average weight of 13.2 g, with high β-carotene content (2.66 mg/100g fruits), the soluble solids content about 6.5~7.2 °Brix, good taste, firm, and slight fruit cracking. The new variety also possessed resistance to bacterial wilt and tomato mosaic virus. It is suitable for planting in spring, autumn, and winter. The yield in spring crop of Hualien Asveg 14 was 26.2 MT/ha; the yield in autumn crop was 54.8 MT/ha.


cherry tomato variety breeding
