  • 期刊


The Significance of Baguashan in Taiwanese Classical Poetry


八卦山,舊名「寮望山」,又曾名「定軍山」,位在彰化市東側,毗連市區,海拔僅九十七公尺,但由于集自然美景與軍事要寨于一身,于是成爲歷代詩人爭相吟咏的對象。 本論文旨在探討有關八卦山的台灣古典詩,是以明鄭到日治時期爲範圍(1661-1945)。經由本論文的歸納分析,八卦山在詩人筆下所呈現的意義約有四種:(一)登覽遊賞之勝境。詩人不論晨昏、四時或佳節登覽八卦山,都有不同的領略與感受。另外,八卦山上所增添的人文、軍事建築,如鎮亭、定寨、豐亭等,也都成為詩人歌頌的景點。(二)彰化縣城之表徵。八卦山就彰化縣城百姓而言,它的精神高度遠超過實際高度。因此,當彰化詩人流離異鄉時,念念不忘的仍是這座綠意盎然的青山,亂平返鄉時,它又成爲指引回家的地標。(三)歷次戰爭之場域。八卦山爲兵家控制彰化縣城的必爭之地,前賢的八卦山詩與戰爭相關的即有:陳周全之役、戴潮春之役、乙未抗日之役等,詩人登臨古戰場時,感慨也特別深長。(四)瘞骨銷魂之所在。八卦山某些山頭成爲墳場,詩人見到清明祭掃景象,深感悲凉。而出身縣城的作家,去世後埋骨八卦山,文友悲痛哀悼的詩篇,令人黯然消魂。 總之,八卦山的位置相當特殊,所以它幾乎見證了台灣幾個重大事件,前賢創作有關八卦山的古典詩篇,也一一反映了這些可悲可歎、可歌可泣的事蹟,因此,八卦山不僅是彰化的重要地標,也是台灣歷史的部分縮影。


台灣文學 漢詩 八卦山 彰化 賴和


Baguashan, known as ”Liaowangshan” and ”Dingjunshan” in the old days, it is located on the east side of Changhua City, adjacent to the city. With elevation of only 97m above sea level, it contains both natural sceneries and important military bases, and chants by poets of all times. The purpose of this study is to discuss Taiwanese classical poetry concerning Baguashan from Ming Dynasty to Japanese Occupation Period (1661-1945). The study generalized four significances of Baguashan conveyed by poets as follows: 1) Poets perceived different feelings and experiences when they climbed Gaguashan in the morning, afternoon, in the four seasons, or holidays. The cultural and military structure built on Baguashan, such as Cheng Pavilion, Ding Stronghold, and Feng Pavilion, are scenic spots praised by poets. 2) It is the symbol of Changhua. The spiritual height of Baguashan exceeds its actual heights to the locals. When Changhua poets traveled far from home, all they missed was the green mountain. After wartime, it was the landmark to guide the wanderers home. 3) It had experienced a number of wars. Baguashan was a battle ground to the military to control Changhua. Most poems written about Baguashan in the old days were related to wars, namely Chen Chou-chuan Battle, Dai Chao-chun Battle, Yiwei Anti-Japanese Battle. Poets were very affectionate when they visited ancient battlegrounds. 4) It is a place based on death. Some hilltops of Baguashan are graveyards. During Ching Ming, the poets felt especially sad when seeing people commemorated the dead. Some poets were born in the city but buried in Baguashan after they passed away. The mourning verse written other poets was gloomy. The unique location of Baguashan allowed it to witness the major events taken place in Taiwan. The classical poems written for Baguashan reflected the moving and touching past. Therefore, Baguashan is not only an important landmark of Changhua but also a partial epitome of Taiwan history.


Taiwanese literature Chinese poems Baguashan Changhua Laihe


