  • 期刊


The Narrative Strategy and Symbolic System of Dramatization of Chen Li'sthe Last Wang Mu Chi




陳黎 敘事詩 敘事架構 敘事韻律 悲劇


Chen Li had received the first prize for narrative poems of the 3rd Literature Award of China Times in 1980 by his epic poem ”the Last Wang Mu Chi ”. From the point of view of the development of contemporary literary style, the work itself is production of 70s' development of narrative poetry. The experiment that the modern literary style started in narrative poetry in 1970 involves whether the poets can explore narration in terms of poetic language and strengthening the expression of the social and realistic factors of the contemporary poetry. In general, with the accumulation of relevant works in poetry circle, the essence of poetic aesthetics lays much more in how long narrative poems construct narration without losing poetic element and filling blank by vagueness. Therefore, as the poetic line goes in long narrative poem, it examines the poet's grip of language and amplifies our focus on study poetry.Poems need rhetoric while emotional flows need polishing. Chen Li's ”the Last Wang Mu Chi” is themed by the mine incident happened in Ruifang Yongan in 1980. His avoidance of being restricted by news and representation of independence have been made the focus of the narration. The rhetoric key points lay in how he avoids putting words which arouse emotions in the book and use images and symbols strategically, and produces the narrative rhythm in the poem. This is the experiment of narrative construction and rhetoric to which Chen Li was dedicated as well as the balance in between. This also uplifts the level of the ghost which lays between the poetic lines by the monologue of ghost narrator and the black and white symbolic system to imply the life and destiny while the Last Wang Mu Chi presents the incident, which makes it a tragic text.


