  • 期刊


The Historical Changing Model of the Nationalized Army


一九四○年代的中國,先已歷經百餘年的西方文明之入侵,世界列強瓜分勢力範圍,日本帝國主義的強取豪奪,共產主義思想的傳播,共產國際處心積慮的擴張版圖,終於導致中國在自省自強之際,爆發我國有史以來最大的內戰規模,從城市到鄉村,從統治階層到仕紳人民,無一不捲入這場決定中國何去何從、攸關民族興衰的戰爭;殷鑑不遠,目前亟須釐清在一九四○年代的歷史決定性因素,同時結合當代科學方法,逐循歷史科學化的方法論基礎、假設與架構、史實分析與模型檢證,在歷史科學中發掘人類思想的結晶。 本研究的主要假設為「對歷史的研究應以人類思維的規律為基礎,運用科學方法匯合整體行動的發展趨勢,建構成為「歷史科學」的研究途徑。」同時在中國人的性格與文化中的民族特質,展現在歷史變遷中,不斷地結合外來文化,這是一種思想的自然脈動,透過倫理思想而廣為中國人民所接受文化的挑戰與結合。


After suffering about one-century destructive invasion of power-oriented occidental civilization, inhumane robbing of Japan Empire, as well as the pervasion of communism, the whole China in 1940s was helplessly sucked into the war of determine the future of the nation Hereby, in order to seek for some wisdom of human thought in history, we need to clarify the historical decisive elements in 1940s through a combined analysis of contemporary scientific approach, the foundation of methodologies, hypothesis contraction, the study of historical events, and model examination. The main hypothesis of this study is ”On the basis of the rhythm of human thought, we try to construct a studying path for historical science by applying a scientific method of analyzing the development current of whole movements.” Within the continuous changing in history, the characteristics and culture history, the characteristics and culture of Chinese people has been endlessly fused with foreign cultures. This is a natural pattern of thought. With their foundation of ethical thought, Chinese people have accepted the challenge of the communion with other cultures.
