  • 期刊


The relationship between fetal number and pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in milk of Alpine goat


母山羊在配種完進行懷孕診斷後,會將懷孕母羊進行分群管理,然而多胞胎(雙胞胎以上)、雙胞胎及單胞胎母羊之營養需求顯著不同,多胞胎母羊在懷孕期間應有特別照護及供應額外營養,以減少懷孕羊隻罹患代謝紊亂及妊娠毒血症(pregnancy toxemia),亦可減少因體弱造成的出生仔羊死亡率。本試驗應用檢測阿爾拜因泌乳羊懷孕各階段乳汁中之懷孕相關醣蛋白(pregnancy-associated glycoprotein,PAG)濃度,並與實際分娩頭數對照,藉以判斷懷孕胎數及懷孕天數或階段之關係。研究結果顯示,試驗期間(懷孕10-94日)阿爾拜因懷孕母羊生乳之PAG濃度顯著受懷胎數目(三胞胎、雙胞胎或單胞胎)之影響(P<0.05),懷孕天數則僅於懷孕早期(懷孕10-43日)及中期(懷孕49-78日)具顯著性影響(P<0.05)。觀察阿爾拜因山羊懷孕胎數與乳中PAG濃度正相關,與其他研究顯示血液中PAG濃度與胎兒數目呈正相關之結果一致,且多重線性迴歸分析的結果,在各懷孕階段亦顯示懷胎數目較懷孕天數影響乳中PAG濃度更大。此項以非侵入性生乳檢測進行多胞胎診斷,可減少動物因驅趕所造成之緊迫,檢測出之結果可提供羊農預先進行懷孕母羊分群及仔羊照護準備,並輔助進行場內三個月內之羊乳生產及飼養規模預測。


Grouping management is a common practice of applying pregnancy test to separate the pregnant goats from not pregnant ones after breeding. The nutritional need is significantly different among goats with single, twin, and multiple fetuses. Pregnant goats with multiple fetuses require special attention and nutrients to avoid metabolic disorder, pregnancy toxemia, thereby to reduce the mortality of weak lambs. We analyzed the pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in goat milk with different fetal number, pregnancy days, and pregnancy stages. The result showed that goats with different fetal number were significantly different in milk PAG concentration (P<0.05), from 10 to 94 days of pregnancy. PAG concentration was significantly different in early (10 to 43 days) and middle (49 to 78 days) pregnancy (P<0.05). Milk PAG concentration was positively correlated with fetal number. Multiple linear regression suggested that fetal number was a more precise predictor than gestation length for milk PAG concentration, while predicting fetal number using milk PAG concentration in middle and late pregnancy could be plaudible. This non-invasive and stress free method could be used for care preparations for both pregnant goats and lambs, and also used for goat milk production and herd size estimation in the field.
