  • 期刊


Effectiveness Analysis of Mobile a Water Mist System in a Flashover Scenario


本研究主要目的在於探討當移動式細水霧系統應用於火場達到發生閃燃之要件時,能否有效降低火場溫度,抑制閃燃之發生,避免危及救災與受困人員之生命安全,因此,係利用中型火災模擬器模擬實際火場情境,再輔以移動式細水霧系統放射進行實驗評估。 本實驗採用高、中壓之移動式細水霧系統,且依序變換噴頭、壓力、流量及放射位置,當中型火災模擬器模擬出閃燃情境時,隨即放射細水霧,並加以記錄火場內部之溫度變化,便於量化其溫度分佈狀況,以評估移動式細水霧系統於各不同變數下放射時,對於抑制閃燃發生之效能。經分析後發現,就本實驗條件而言,當A噴頭置於開口面中間位置,且分別變換操作壓力為49 bar、31 bar進行放射時,因系統處於49 bar下之霧化效果較32 bar為佳,故49 bar之冷卻程度優於32 bar,最大降幅可達150度(℃);當A噴頭處於49 bar下且分別變換位置(開口面中間、左側、右側)、角度(左、右對角)進行放射時,噴頭置於左半邊之冷卻性能皆優於其他位置,最大降幅可達200度(℃),此係左半邊為順風處,細水霧較能伴隨被吸引之空氣(Entrain air)有效到達火源根部(Firebase)所致,另外,當A噴頭改換為B噴頭置於開口面中間位置進行放射時,由於B噴頭之流量(1Lpm)僅為A噴頭的1/4,但壓力(100 bar)卻為A噴頭的2倍,故可噴撒出更小之粒徑,達更佳之霧化效果,增加與火源根部(Firebase)之接觸面積,冷卻降幅最大可達175度(℃)。 經測試得知,細水霧系統於火場達閃燃要件情境下進行放射時,的確可有效降低整體火場內部溫度,且當移動式細水霧系統應用於火場時,應儘量設置於順風處進行放射,並避免直接攻打火源,如此細水霧才能伴隨被吸引之空氣(Entrain air)有效到達火源根部(Firebase),使火場內部溫度低於NFPA265所定義閃燃現象的500至600度(℃),達到利用細水霧抑制閃燃之效。


This study used water mist to cool temperatures in a bench scale flashover fire simulator. Results show that a high-pressure system producing smaller droplet of water mist provides better flame cooling, up to 150℃, in flashover scenarios when the nozzle is located in the center of the opening. The temperature contour provides a clear picture of the cooling effectiveness of water mist in all of the flashover scenario tests. Water mist has better cooling, up to 200℃, when it is applied from left side of the opening. The left side has better air entrainment because it is windier during the fire test. Nozzle B with a pressure of 10 Mpa and a flow rate of 1 Lpm provides better flame cooling, up to 175℃, than nozzle A with a pressure of 4.9 Mpa and a flow rate of 4 Lpm because nozzle B produces smaller droplets during the tests. Water mist proved to be an effective tool for flame cooling in a flashover scenario given that the water mist can be entrained by air from the sides of the fire rather than on the fire base directly.
