  • 期刊


Medical Consideration of the Female Air Force Officers


過去部隊中鮮少有女性同胞,如今,因爲觀念的演進,使得女性的價值受到更多重視,軍中亦然。女性加入軍旅服務之後,各營地開始規劃屬於女性專用的生活空間。女性醫療照顧數量的增加,也由各醫務單位門診統計數字中反應得到。加強對女性醫療的服務品質,遂成爲所有指揮官的要求,和軍醫們的目標。 女性的戰門能力一直遭到質疑,究竟女性能夠有如何的表現,必須靠女性自已的表現來證明。但是,在體能及格、而且不會危害到身體健康的情形下,也要提供她們合理的工作機會,以免因過分保守,而浪費了寶貴的人力資源。


醫療照顧 懷孕


In the past there were very few female comrades in the troops, but because of the gradual change of concept, the value of female have been given immense importance. Also the same case as in the Army, Navy and Air Force. After the female sex joined to serve in the military, each unit started to make plans for starting female recreational area that belong exclusively for them. The number of female under care increased a lot, this response could be seen from the statistics fo the outpatient clinic in different medical service. To strengthened female treatment and service quality became the requests of the commanding officer and the target of the military surgeon. The females warring strength had always raised doubts. As what kind of performance could they perform after all. This must be proved by themselves. But if they passed the standard of physical strength and which do not harm their health. In this situation they must also be provided with reasonable work opportunities, or else being too conservative would waste the precious human man power.


medical care preganey
