

多年前曾經發現海上求生訓練時,服用薑糖可減輕學員的暈船症。薑是古老中國的傳統藥物,它的優點為不具有一般抗暈藥的嗜睡副作用,故不致於影響飛安。 本研究首先以單盲試驗決定薑粉是否具有抗暈症作用,共有94位空軍官校的飛行生,在基本組或戰鬥組訓練時期志願參與。最初發生暈機症者僅給予安慰劑(葡萄糖)服用,使能獲得自己的適應性,若無效果,纔以薑粉替代安慰劑(口服劑量為1公克,飛行前1小時服用)。追蹤期間,每位飛行生必須按日項寫問卷,內容包括飛行時間;飛行課程;和發生的暈機症症狀。有關症狀的程度,乃根據圭畢爾氏標準予以評分。其次,薑粉亦試用於預防空間迷向模擬機和人體離心機的乘員動暈症,症狀的評估方法亦同前。 本研究的初步結果顯示基本組和戰鬥組的飛行生之暈機症發生率分別為18.5%和31.0%,多發生在特技的課目。當服用薑粉後,連續5日的症狀平均積分皆顯著地較未服用前5日的症狀平均積分為小。因為許多動暈症的罹患者可於事前預測得知,故問卷調查有助於篩檢高感受性的個體。在航生訓練模擬器的乘載後,服用薑粉者較服用安慰劑者主訴的不適症狀為少。薑粉的低成本和缺乏不良的副作用之優點,可適用於動暈症的預防。


薑粉 暈機症 動暈症 抗暈藥物


It has been noticed for several years during sea survival training session that ginger can treat sea sickness hen a person is floating on his lifeboat. Being a traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has the advantage of lacking many of the common adverse side effects of anti-motion sickness drugs, such as drowsiness, which are particularly a problem in aviation. At first, a single-blind study was carried nut to determine whether motion sickness (MS) might be altered by sonic components in ginger root. Ninety-four undergraduate pilots of ROCAF Academy participated this study during their primary or advanced flight training phases. They were initially administrated with placebo (glucose) and allowed to acquire protective adaptation to the provocative motion. Provided that they failed to adjust themselves. ginger was then given instead of glucose. The normal dosage is 1.0 gram (two oral capsules) taken a hour before living. Meanwhile, each subject was asked to fill in a questionnaire daily, which includes flight time. flight courses, and associated signs and symptoms of MS. The levels of severity of MS were graded using Gray bids criteria. Secondly, two trials of ginger were also conducted on spatial disorientation trainer and centrifuge riders. A similar evaluation procedure was done right after they had completed all training profiles. The incidence rates of MS were 18.5% and 31.0% for primary and advanced phases respectively. In both phases. the scores of five following days after ginger administration were significantly lower than the mean scores of placebo control. Concerning, the training courses, most of severe MS episodes occurred in acrobatics. A number of afflicted subjects had already been predicted by reviewing their pre-test questionnaires. After riding spatial disorientation trainer or human centrifuge, the ginger groups reported less subjective syndromes than the placebo groups. Our preliminary study suggested that ginger might have ameliorated the effects of MS Given its low cost and general lack of adverse effects, it may he worthy of MS prevention.

