  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Implementing Outcomes of Ability Grouping of Freshman English in a University of Technology




This study aimed to analyze the implementing outcomes of ability grouping practice for freshman English at a university of technology in central Taiwan. The scores of TVE Joint College Entrance Examination of the th academic year were used as the placement criteria for freshman English at the target university. This paper utilized SPSS statistic software to analyze data collected from pre-test and post-test scores. Moreover, One-way ANOVA, Twoway ANOVA, and Scheffe method were employed to examine the significance of the scores. Results found that: (1) after joining the English ability grouping; post-test scores of level A (high achievers) and B (medium achievers) in listening and reading were higher than those of pre-test; (2) students' achievements of listening and reading from College of Business were higher than those from College of Engineering, and College of Electronic and Information; (3) before joining ability grouping, students' reading scores among three colleges were significantly different. However, after joining ability grouping, only level B showed its significant progress in reading; (4) before joining ability grouping, only level A' and B' listening scores were significantly different and only level A and B in their post tests showed progress in listening. Due to the finding that level C did not show significant progress after joining ability grouping, reasons should be further found in order to help the low-achievers. Accordingly, this paper suggested that in addition to ability grouping practice, positioning learner's language skill index, administering remedial teaching, and developing the reasonable graduation benchmarks, English education should try to even learners' English proficiency of polar extreme before they enter into technological universities and colleges. Lastly, this study suggested that an in-depth comparisons and analyses with other technological institutions would probe more perspectives of ability grouping practices.
