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The Study on "General Education Curriculum" of Subordinating Normal Universities Directly under the Management of China




The study mainly explored the change and curriculum content and issues raised in ”general education” of pre-service teacher education of six subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education and provided the revelation to those six subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education. The study mainly explored the change and curriculum content and issues raised in ”general education” of pre-service teacher education of six subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education and provided the revelation to those six subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education. Therefore, the purposes of the study were: Firstly, the authors analyzed of the evolution and change of general education curriculum in China. Secondly, the researchers explored the curriculum content and structure of general education in subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education .Thirdly, the writers discussed the general education curriculum position and problems in subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China Ministry of Education. Fourthly, the authors summarized the conclusion and revelation of general education curriculum to subordinating normal universities directly under the Management of China and Taiwan Ministry of Education.


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