  • 期刊


A Trend on Twenty-First Century Philosophy of Education-Thoughts on Eco-Conservatism


二十一世紀的開始,許多學者對未來作了不少的探討與臆測,也有許多反省。在教育哲學上,有著回到教育的根本問題的思考趨勢,在教育意義、目的、或目標的反省上,更有走向保守的教育思想,如肯定教育理想、人格或德性教育。雖然有著反自由主義的想法,但是在許多期刊論文的內容上,都彰顯著在經過現代與後現代的破壞主流,甚至傳統思想時代之後,希望建立穩定、有目標的教育實踐。麥金泰主張道德理論應走回到亞里斯多德的德行倫理學,並以此為基礎,建構教育理念。教育是整體的自我建設,人文、歷史、傳統的延續,肯定個人的定位與價值,強調博雅教育的課程等均有著保守主義的傾向。這種傾向也是在環境教育中推動生態文化永續信念的基本立場。如Bowers發展的生態正義教育觀,與David Orr主張的生態素養教育立場。兩者都借用十八世紀保守主義者Edmund Burke的遠見,強調我們的歷史責任,社區群體之間的互動與價值延續意義。這些保守的意見,從生態永續的角度來看,是有其意義的。


In the beginning of twenty-first century, optimistic views for the future filled in academic world. However, when we reflect educational practice, there is tendency to firmly establish educational meaning, purposes and aims. This tendency shows conservative point of view. In this paper, I will argue that this tendency is helpful for advocating sustainable ecological culture in environmental education. MacIntyre reconceptionizes education based on his three concepts on virtue that were maintained in his book-After Virtue. The purpose of education is self-development by keeping our past history and tradition. With our education, we develop our personal identity and establish our code of ethics in this world. He also stresses a liberal curriculum. It is obvious that this conception of education is conservative. C. A. Bowers and D. Orr both hold conservative viewpoints in developing their environmental educational concepts. They also use E. Burke's conservative insight as their forerunner of conservative views that includes our historical responsibility and interconnection among every members of a community. These will provide some meaning for our ecological sustainability.


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