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Logotherapy in Mencius' Philosophy


維克多.弗朗克(Viktor E. Frankl, 1905-1997)所倡議的意義治療在精神醫學的臨床運用上素有口碑,國內生死學的原創者傅偉勳先生慧眼獨具,率先指出弗朗克意義治療的理論特色與中國傳統儒釋道思想有其相通之處,他並行文引介因而引發人文領域學者的重視,於是一時蔚為風氣陸續出現相關的研究成果,至今依然方興未艾。本文則分別從存在的感受、內在的依據和終極的證悟三個論點,考察孟子思想中所隱含之意義治療的義蘊。本文首先指出孟子在存在的感受中具體真切的要求自我必須成為道德的存在,其負責任的態度以及能將現實不如意之遭遇所產生的痛苦轉化為生命成長的力量,終於實現一極具意義的豐富人生,諸如此類皆與弗朗克的主張不謀而合;再者,孟子以為之能夠實現其理想人格與境界是由於先驗內在的本心善性自覺而起的作用,亦即有此內在的道德心性做依據,方足以保證成聖成賢的必然實現,弗朗克則認為人之所以能夠創造深富意義的人生,實有賴於人之求意義的意志,二者相比亦有異曲同工之妙;最後,孟子既言盡心知性知天,可見孟子的道德思想是以體悟終極之真實為究竟,就此以論孟子思想中之理想人格及其境界乃具有宗教的屬性,無獨有偶弗朗克亦將宗教的虔敬與印證當成意義治療的重要因素,所以他一生即以「醫療之牧師」(medical ministry)相期許。


孟子 弗朗克 意義治療 精神醫學


Logotherapy, advocated by Viktor E. Frankl (1905-1997), has been long known for the application of clinical psychiatry for a long time. The pioneer of domestic Thanatology, Mr. Fu WeiXun, discerningly first to pointed out the similarities of Frankl's Logotherapy and Chinese traditional Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. His introduction and quotation raised the attention of the scholars of the humanities. So it suddenly became a common practice to present many relevant researches, and it is still in the ascendant so far. This article is going to investigate the implicit meaning of Logotherapy in Mencius' thought by analyzing the existing feeling, inherent basis and ultimate card separately. This article first pointed out in the presence of Mencius feelings of self-specific requirements must become truly moral existence, the responsible attitude will be able to turn the reality of disappointments to the conversion of the power of life and growth, and finally achieve a meaningful abundant life; and coincides with Frankl's proposition. Furthermore, Mencius thought that one can achieve his ideal state is due to transcendental personality and inherent goodness of conscience conscious, namely, with the basis of the inherent morals disposition one can guarantee to become virtuous holily. Frankl believes that people is able to create a deep rich meaning of life because of people's demand of the meaning of life. Two thoughts have different approaches but contribute to the same end. Finally, from Mencius' therapy, it is obvious that Mencius realize that the moralityis to find out the ultimate true. Mencius' thought has religion essentials. Frankl also take the piety and confirm of religion as the most important factor. So, he regards himself as a medical ministry.


Mencius Frankl Logotherapy psychiatry


