  • 期刊


Far Apart but Closer Hearts: The Family Letters during the Second Sion-Japanese War (1937-1945)


本文係透過江蘇省江陰縣祝塘鎮上王、杜二個家庭於抗日戰爭期間往來的書信,從親族活動見證戰爭下的生活實況。抗日軍興,家庭成員有的留在家鄉的淪陷區,有的奔往大後方,兄弟姊妹輾轉流徙於湘、豫、鄂、滇、黔、川各省,到1944年分別在四川重慶、雲南昆明和貴州貴陽落腳。書信的內容,包括父親對兒女的期望與關注、兄弟姊妹之間的友愛互助,和青年男女在戰火中結緣的戀情,顯示同鄉親族的人際網絡在戰爭中的維繫,他們的命運也和戰爭的發展息息相關。 本文除前言與結論外,分四大部分:一、逃難•離散;二、淪陷區下的江陰;三、大後方的萍蹤;四、勝利.歸鄉。試圖從書信中的內容,追尋他們在八年抗戰中的行蹤和經歷,勾勒出淪陷區江陰祝塘的圖像及到大後方的子弟各自經歷的人生歷程。


This paper describes the life during the war as found in the letters written by the Wang and the Tu families of a small town in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province. The members of the two families had gone through great changes, some going to war or the rear hinterland in Szechwan and others remaining at home which was occupied by Japan. They had moved from one place to another in Hunan, Hupei, Yunnan, Kueizou, Szechwan, and finally settled down in Zongqing, Kunming, or Kueiyang in 1944. Various forms of feelings were found in their letters-the affections and expectations of a father to his children, the love and support among brothers and/or sisters, and the love between young couples. It is clearly that the interpersonal network was created in the war time for those diaspora people. Their life was one dictated by the war. In addition to the preamble and the conclusion, this paper has four major sections: (1) flee and separation: (2) Jiangyin, the occupied area, (3) the life in rear hinterland: (4) victory and go home. This paper tries to follow the tracks, life, and the experiences of those who went through the war during the hard times.


