  • 期刊


Butterfly Fauna and Nectar Plants at the Chinghsien Ecological Park, Taichung City, Central Taiwan


本研究以位居台中市區,於2003年營造完成之景賢生態公園為研究區,探討其蝶相及蝴蝶與蜜源植物間之關係。在2005年1-12月間完成36次穿越線調查,共記錄蝴蝶5科、31種、575隻次;各科之種類數以蛺蝶科(Nymphalidae)之9種最多,數量則以粉蝶科(Pieridae)之232隻次最多。豐量指數列屬前五名之優勢種依序為沖繩小灰蝶Zizeeria maha okinawana (Matsumura)、荷氏黃蝶Eurema hecabe (Linnaeus)、紋白蝶Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval、孔雀蛺蝶Junonia almanac (Linnaeus)及淡黃蝶Catopsilia pomana (Fabricius)。曾記錄訪花行為之蝴蝶有5科25種,所利用之蜜源植物含人為栽植及自生者共有12科19種,其中以菊科(Asteraceae)有6種最多。各科蜜源植物以馬鞭草科(Verbenaceae)所能誘引之蝴蝶科數最多;而誘引蝴蝶種類數最多之蜜源植物則為三葉蔓荊Vitex trifolia L.。研究結果得知景賢生態公園之蝶相不若鄰近都市化程度較低地區之蝶相豐富,惟亦顯示在高度開發的都市環境仍具有營造蝶類棲地之潛力。文中並針對研究成果提出對本公園之棲地管理及植栽應用之建議。


蝶相 蜜源植物 台中 都市棲地


The butterflies and nectar plants were investigated at the Chinghsien Ecological Park constructed in 2003 in downtown, Taichung City. During the study period from January to December 2005, we made 36 transect counts, and observed five families, 31 species, and 575 individuals of butterflies. In terms of species diversity, Nymphalidae was the most dominant family with nine species collected, whereas in terms of abundance Pieridae was the most dominant family with 232 individuals observed. There were five dominant species with highest index of abundance: Zizeeria maha okinawana (Matsumura), Eurema hecabe (Linnaeus), Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval, Junonia almana (Linnaeus) and Catopsilia pomana (Fabricius). The flower visiting behaviors of the butterflies were observed for the five families and 25 species. Also, 12 families and 19 species of nectar plants were observed at the park, for which Asteraceae was most dominant family comprising six species. Flowers of the family Verbenaceae attracted most of the families of butterflies while Vitex trifolia L. attracted most of the species. The results of this study showed that the butterfly fauna at the Chinghsien Ecological Park was not as rich as those in the neighboring, less urbanized areas. However, there was a strong potential for a park like this to develop a butterfly habitat in a highly developed city. Some management strategy and tactics of butterfly habitat and nectar plants were proposed for the Chinghsien Ecological Park.


