  • 期刊


Yang Shi's "Heavenly Way is One, Its Manifestations are Many" and Li Tong's Continuation of the Doctrine


本文分兩部份。第一部份:從充實了「理一」的本體論內涵,和「理一」、「分殊」並重兩方面,分析楊時對「理一分殊」思想的闡述。第二部份:從李侗接受楊時的「太極是自然之理」的思想,對「理一」進行闡發,和李侗在楊時「理一」、「分殊」並重思想的基礎上,强調「分殊」的重要性兩方面,分析李侗對楊時「理一分殊」的繼承和發展。 文章認為:楊時强調「理一」的本體論地位,建構了以自然之理為核心的思想體系,這是楊時對儒家思想、對從洛學到閩學過渡中的一個很重要的貢獻;楊時力圖將儒家倫理觀提高,到哲學本體論的高度進行論證,顯示了楊時思想高度的思辨水平。文章認為:李侗對「理一」的闡發,不僅表現在繼續論證太極為最高的「理」上,而且體現在「理與心一」的命題中;李侗强調理解「分殊」的重要性,並作出更高層次的論述。總之,楊時對程頤的「理一分殊」命題的闡發是有積極的貢獻的,而李侗從楊時處汲取「理一分殊」思想精髓並加以發揮,又直接促進了朱熹對「理一分殊」命題的總結。


理一 分殊 楊時 李侗


This article is separated into two parts. The first part would like to extract the essence of ”the heavenly way is one” and its relationship to ”its many manifestations” in analyzing Yang Shi's theory of theory of ”the heavenly way is one, its manifestations are many”. The second part would like to expound on Li Tong's continuation of Yang Shi's ”the great ultimate is the way of nature”, especially in relationship to the above mentioned ”the heavenly way is one”. I would also like to emphasize two aspects of ”its manifestations are many” in the ”heavenly way is one, its manifestations are many theory”. This article considers Yang Shi's emphasis of ”the heavenly way is one” as an ontology, giving structure to the centerpiece of his philosophy ”the Li of Nature”. This is an important contribution of Yang Shi to Confucianism, spanning Lo School to the Mm School. It was Yang Shi's intention to elevate Confucian ethics into the realm of ontology, this is evident in his very refined speculations. This article would also like to contend that Li Tong's promotion of ”the heavenly way is one” not only found expression in his continuation of Yang Shi's ”great ultimate” expressed in ”Li”, but was also inherent in ”Li and Geart are One”. Li Tong's emphasis on understanding the importance of ”the heavenly ways manifestations are many” elevated Yang Shi's previous explanation. Finally, Yang Shi expounded and made a valuable contribution to Cheng Yi's ”heavenly way is one, its manifestations are many”, and Li Tong's advancement of Yang Shi's contribution led to Zhu Xi's consummation of the concept.


