  • 期刊


Public Sphere, Public Space and the Mapping of Politics


何謂「公共領域」?「公共領域」又是位於何處?今日的「公共領域」,在科技進步、全球化趨勢、無遠弗屆的綱路、以及社會文化論辨過程的影響下,究竟是呈現何種發展態勢-消失?擴張?式微?還是演化中?除了作為媒體節目中政治論辨的隱喻性意義之外,「公共領域」是否能衍生出更多的意涵?「公共領域」能否繼續作為檢視現今社會現象的工具性概念?本文在開始就政治哲學面向探討此一課題之前,先行探討上述問題。 本文共分三部分。第一部份簡要摘述自一九六二年哈伯瑪斯提出其影響深遠的「公共領域」概念以來,以「公共領域」為中心的研究成果與爭議。於本文的第二部份中,作者企圖藉由現象學的方法,檢視日常生活中可見的「公共領域」概念乃至於「公共空間」。在第三部份,筆者則試圖藉由魏亦爾(Eric Weil)於五十年前出版的《政治哲學》一書中所傳達的幾個觀念,重新形塑「政治領域」的意涵。


What is public sphere? Where lies public sphere? Is public sphere presently disappearing, expanding, diminishing or evolving under the influence of technology, globalization, the Internet or any other factor that sociology or cultural analysis might bring in? Does ”public sphere” constitute more than a convenient metaphor for speaking about the political debate as conveyed by the medias? Can the expression still be considered as an instrumental concept for investigating contemporary social realities? The aim of this paper is to take these ”spontaneous” questions quite literally before elaborating on them from a political philosophy standpoint. The paper is divided into three parts. The first one will summarize a number of assertions and debates around the ”public sphere” as they have been taking shape and evolving since Habermas’seminal work of 1962. In a second part, relying on a phenomenological approach, we move from the concept of ”public sphere” to the more modest investigation of ”public spaces” as we can approach them in everyday realities. In the third and final part, the author attempts at a further mapping of the ”political territory” by bringing in the work of Eric Well, a political philosopher who might still have a few things to tell us, even if he published his Philosophie politique almost fifty years ago.


Building movement,inspiring activism in the non profit community
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