  • 期刊


Freedom and Leisure in the Networks of Technological Objects and Many Others




自由 休閒 工作 科技 多元他者 網絡 生命實踐


From my philosophy of contrast, I understand human being today as both free and related, in the networks of multiple others and technical objects developed by science/technology and the process of globalization. For me, without freedom there is no leisure. By the mediation of technical objects today, human desire tends to develop in various networks of multiple others in order to gain its own freedom. This paper will analyse the relation between work and leisure, attempting to go beyond the presupposed dichotomy of work/leisure in both modern ”disciplined society” and ancient Greek society, and to look for a more balanced view of their relation in redefining the nature of human being. This understanding will allow us to proceed to characterize the state of being in leisure as freedom, being-at-ease, creativity and joyfulness. An attempt will be made to characterize the crisis of today's leisure life in reference to its commercialization and mechanicalization. Also, we will try to obtain some inspirations from Daoist philosophy as to the idea of freedom in the dynamic ontology of relationship with the Daoist art of life-praxis.


Leisure Freedom Work Technical Objects Many Others Networks Life-Praxis


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