  • 期刊


Six Lessons of Coach Rei-Lin Lee's Baseball Life


本文書寫球員觀點的李瑞麟教練生命故事,藉由球員們回溯李教練與他們在1989至1997 年間,互動歷程各面向之感受與體會,以Riessman 的敘說方法發展出李教練與球員們棒球生命經驗的故事;本文文本建構經歷三個月的資料蒐集,研究者與當時期各階段在美和青棒、陸光成棒、時報鷹職棒隊,接受過李教練訓練與指導之三位球員的正式訪談與非正式訪談,並於研究期間撰寫研究者日誌、蒐集與本研究之相關文件與文字、影像紀錄等,當作書寫之原始資料。爲建立研究可信任性,本文採用參與者檢核、同儕檢核、表述研究者立場、研究步驟與歷程等;經由球員們從生活事件互相關聯具體化的敘說中,研究者以「全心全力」、「互動的淬煉」、「信賴」、「放水事件的省思」、「最後的挑戰」及「李瑞麟教練的生命-棒球」爲運動經驗主體情境知識的六堂課,呈現出李教練與球員們棒球生命的脈動;期透過質化實徵的書寫,豐富體育運動生命實踐的知識交流。


棒球 李瑞麟 運動經驗 質化書寫


This article was a story about the life of a baseball coach, Rei-Lin Lee, and the story was told by the players from 1989 to 1997 when Lee was the coach of Meiho Junior Baseball Team and Meiho Youth Baseball Team. The researcher spent three months collecting raw study material by interviewing three professional baseball team members, who interacted with Coach Lee during various periods of their baseball life, formally or informally. The findings were emerged from the interview transcriptions, observation notes, as well as the research journal of the researcher. In addition, the documents, reports and records related to this study were used to support data analysis as well. Data analysis mainly used narrative analysis. The researcher's viewpoints were strengthened by data triangulation, member check, and peer review. The researcher divided the findings into six lessons which were learned from Coach Lee's passion, authoritative attitude, and patriarchal leadership. The six lessons were: ”whole-hearted pursuit”, ”interactive training”, ”trust”, ”learning from mistakes”, ”ultimate challenges” and the ”baseball-Coach Lee's life”. Hopefully, this study could provide sport coaches a theoretical and practical knowledge in leading a team.
