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  • OpenAccess


Suitability of Domestic Plantation Softwood for Plywood Manufacturing



林產物發展需符合永續經營之理念與目標,因此造林木資源之利用是時勢所趨,合板工業即在此概念上積極改良與更新。本報告為省產柳杉與台灣杉造林木製造合板適宜性之試驗結果。 與商用進口放射松造林木相較,省產柳杉與台灣杉之單板品質不如放射松,由其說明有旋切技術探討之空間。由柳杉與台灣杉旋切率及其單板規格提昇之觀點而言,造林木育林及撫育經營措施之加強,有顯著影響。合板可由不同造林木樹種之單板組成,其間相容性佳,但合板性質受單板品質而影響。


針葉樹造林木 柳杉 台灣杉 放射松 合板


Forest product management should follow the principles and objectives of sustainable development. Therefore the use of wood from plantations must be emphasized. The plywood industry in Taiwan, having accepted this concept, is increasingly concerned with advancing manufacturing technologies to meet the requirements for wood resources. This article presents test results obtained from a study on the technological feasibility of plywood manufacturing using domestic coniferous plantation wood. Rotary-cut veneer from domestic wood of planted Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) and Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioids) was not comparable in quality to that from imported radiata pine. Studying on veneer cutting methods of domestic wood species would help improve the veneer quality and is recommended accordingly. With the view to increase cutting efficiency and veneer grades, a significant effect may result from enhancing the silvicultural practices of tree planting and growth. Plywood may be made from assembled wood veneers of various species. The veneers used in this study were found to be compatible for gluing. The properties of the plywood panel produced, varied with veneer quality and thus the wood species of concern.
