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Resynthesis of Ericoid Mycorrhizae in Formosan Rhododendron (Rhododendron formosanum Hemsl.) with an Endophytic Cryptosporiopsis Species

台灣杜鵑與內生菌Cryptosporiopsis species合成杜鵑類菌根


台灣杜鵑為台灣原生種杜鵑科植物。本研究利用自野生台灣杜鵑根系所分離純化之內生菌Rf32菌株,分析internal transcribed spacer序列,並與基因庫已知的杜鵑類內生菌資料比對,鑑定為Cryptosporiopsis菌株,此種真菌為台灣不完全菌類新紀錄種。以Rf32菌株接種台灣杜鵑無菌苗再合成菌根試驗發現,菌根合成苗生長旺盛,觀察顯示其根部皮層細胞中具有菌絲複合體,本研究顯示內生菌Cryptosporiopsis sp. Rf32能與台灣杜鵑形成典型的杜鵑類菌根。


Formosan rhododendron (Rhododendron formosanum Hemsl.) is an indigenous species of the Ericales in Taiwan. The Rf32 fungal strain was isolated from the roots of wild Formosan rhododendron and identified as an endophytic species of Cryptosporiopsis based on its morphological characteristics. This identification was further confirmed by an internal transcribed spacer sequence analysis. This species is a new addition to the fungal flora of Taiwan. In an ericoid-mycorrhizal resynthesis experiment, Rf32-inoculated Formosan rhododendron seedlings exhibited vigorous growth, and the root association showed hyphal complexes in cortical cells. The results demonstrated that Formosan rhododendron can form ericoid mycorrhizae in vitro with Cryptosporiopsis sp. Rf32.
