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Feasibility Analysis of Wood Bioenergy on the Current Energy Supply in Taiwan


臺灣能源資源貧瘠,能源高度仰賴進口高達99%,過去政府雖投資鉅額資金發展核能,然面對2011年日本福島核災所導致之核能安全與環境危害等疑慮,非核家園呼聲湧起,新核電廠不得不面臨停工封存之困境。木質能源是近年來歐美先進國家大力發展的再生能源,不但逐年成長,且在未來能源政策中,均訂有中、長期達成之目標。本研究透過分析國內現有各型再生能源利用現況,評估臺灣發展木質能源利用之可行性,並提出策略建議。研究結果顯示,木質能源發電成本約為新台幣NT$2.24~2.7 kWh^(-1),低於化石燃油NT$5.99 kWh^(-1)及天然氣NT$3.25 kWh^(-1)。在慣常水力、風力及太陽光電無法有效供電之區域,皆有木質能源廣泛分佈,由南至北如屏東、高雄、台南、嘉義、新竹、新北市山區、宜蘭及花東等地區;透過妥善分配與管理,運用現有的人工撫育材與林木加工廢棄資材資料,預估木質能源年發電量可替代停工封存之核四廠年發電量約2.5~5.9%。此可提升能源多元化利用,達到改善停止核能發電所導致的缺電困境,並掌握低碳能源經濟發展之契機。


Because of the serious scarcity of energy resources in Taiwan, energy supplies entirely rely on imported energy at up to 99%. Although Taiwan's government invested vast resources to develop nuclear energy in the past decades, the construction work of new nuclear plant cannot continue but was asked to be stopped and the plants sealed, after the public faced the nuclear disaster caused by the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan in 2011. People are paying increasing attention to concerns about nuclear safety and environmental jeopardy. A movement asking for a nuclearfree homeland has sprung up. In recent years, woody bioenergy has been rapidly developed as a renewable form of energy in advanced Western countries, and the development has not only increased annually, but there are targeted goals for the medium and long term in their future energy policies. By analyzing the current domestic status of various renewable energy utilizations, the objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility of developing woody bioenergy in Taiwan and make policy recommendations to the related energy authorities. Research results showed that the cost of power generated by woody bioenergy was around New Taiwan (NT) $2.24~2.7 kWh^(-1) (EUR$1≈NT$38.04), which was less than fossil fuels at NT$5.99 kWh^(-1) and natural gas at NT$3.25 kWh^(-1). In regions where conventional hydropower, wind power, and solar photovoltaic cannot effectively be supplied, there are mass distributions of woody bioenergy throughout the island. Based on existing data, which were collected on materials of thinning of plantations and residues of wood processing, woody bioenergy was estimated to substitute for around 2.5~5.9% of power generation capacity each year of a new nuclear power plant, if these materials were properly distributed and managed. This alternative could upgrade energy diversification, improve power shortages due to the closing of nuclear power plants, and grasp the opportunities for a low-carbon energy economy.
