  • 期刊


Mental Health Status among the Regular OPD-visit Diabetic


本研究主要目的是在瞭解糖尿病患者心理健康狀況,以為將來推動公共衛生或社會醫學社區心理健康促進之參考。台灣南部某家醫院之診斷為「糖尿病」且規律回診之患者共236名為研究對象,以結構性問卷進行問卷調查,問卷內容包括個人基本資料及「中國人健康問卷」(Chinese Health Questionnaire; CHQ」兩部份。除了描述統計外,亦用卡方檢定(Chi-square test)檢測各獨立變項,以瞭解糖尿病患者心理健康之狀況。 結果顯示,過去一週心理健康狀況不佳者有63.9%。女性、教育程度國小以下、沒有工作、鰥寡孤獨、家庭平均收入在30000元以上者,有較高心理健康不佳的比率,但未達顯著意義;而身體還伴有其他慢性病者,也比較容易有心理健康不佳,且在統計學上呈現顯著相關。而所有受訪者中最常出現的症狀為:覺得睡眠不好;而心理不佳之受訪者中最容易出現的症狀為:覺得對自己失去信心、覺得生活毫無希望。因此,瞭解糖尿病患者心理健康狀況,以為將來推動公共衛生或社會醫學社區心理健康促進之參考。


The purpose of the study was to explore the mental health status of the diabetic as a future reference of promoting public health or the mental health in socio-medical community. A total of 236 patients with regular OPD-visit diagnosed with ”diabetes” in a hospital in Southern Taiwan were recruited for this questionnaire survey. Based on a structural questionnaire, the questionnaire included: personal details and Chinese Health Questionnaire (CHQ). Beside descriptive statistics, Chi-square test was applied for the mental status of the diabetics to detect each variety. Results showed that within the surveys, 63.9% have had minor psychiatric morbidity in the past one week. The participants, who were females, with low educational level (below elementary school), unemployed, widowed, had higher prevalence of minor psychiatric morbidity; yet it was insignificant. The other participates with chronic physical illness have been prone to have minor psychiatric morbidity, which is statistically obvious. The most frequently shown symptom within all participants was insomnia; furthermore, the most frequently shown symptoms among those who had minor psychiatric morbidity were low self-confidence and hopelessness. As a result, understanding the mental status of the diabetics will be a further exploration to promote public health or the mental health in socio-medical community.
