  • 期刊


Wang An-she's Stylistic Transformation from Alarming Opaqueness to Serene Limpidity


荊公識略偉抱,尤以道德經濟為己任,誠是自唐以降第一等人。然其瑰偉孤特之行,乃以變法故,被謗見詆則且千年,顧其身後紛紛攘攘,少見其真者,筆者於《立德學報》第一春第二期發表〈王安石變法與詩歌之糾葛〉一文已申論之,本文接續前文理論基礎,論其變法失敗後對荊公晚年詩歌之深遠影響,以見其閱歷深而詩律精。 夫宋人好朋黨伐異而意氣坰深,此新政之所以不成也。安石新法之不成,晚年於神宗熙寧九年十月二次罷相之後,以使相判江寧府,乃退居鍾山。此時王安石無論人與詩俱從絢爛歸於平淡,詩更所以老成精妙。宋人評荊公定林後詩,精深華妙,非少作之比,因有荊公詩暮年方妙之說。實乃指荊公晚年金陵詩「詩律精嚴」。綜其特色:一為寓悲壯於閑澹,超越政爭紛擾,追求物我兩忘的平淡人生。二為博觀約取歸去來,乃在效法陶淵明素風出塵精神,創造其獨特的平淡詩歌美學,也樹立了宋代詩學的標桿。


宋詩 王安石詩 平淡


Wang An-she (王安石), a great visionary statesman in the Sung Dynasty, was dedicated to bringing in a better political system and environment for his country. Wang launched an influential movement, but has thus been severely criticized, even hundreds of years after his death. As a result, his character, and his writings, have been much misunderstood. Here in this paper, in order to substantiate the theory proposed in the previous paper in Leader Review, I would like to explore how Wang's later poetry, after his retirement, was much affected by his failure in politics. The Reform proposed by Wang failed at last, but not only because of his improper delegations, but also of his opinionated contemporaries who were known for their party conflicts and implacable stubbornness. After his failure, he stepped down from his position as a prime minister and lived in Chungsan (鍾山). Both his character and his style changed radically-his writing and his person no long looked abstruse and seemingly irascible, but instead, transparent and tranquil. That is also the period when Wang's poetic style turned mature. Readers of all times enjoy reading his poetry after retirement and would feel no hesitation in saying that his later poetry reaches his zenith in artistic virtuosity, which in fact means his accuracy in versification. The common motifs of his later poetry include his transcendence from worldly conflicts to a peaceful life and his timely retirement, which was said to imitate Tao Yueng-ming (陶淵明). In a word, Wang created a peculiar ”serene” poetic aesthetics in his later poetry and thus established a criterion for poets in Sung and those to come.


