  • 期刊


An Analysis of Demand for Meat Cuts


豬肉及雞肉為國人的主要消費肉類,本研究利用橫斷面調查資料推估分切豬肉及分切雞肉的價格及支出彈性,並藉由人口統計變數瞭解部位肉的消費特性。豬肉方面以背脊肉最富有價格彈性,雞肉方面以雞翅較富價格彈性。分切豬肉中僅背脊肉與排骨具顯著替代性,分切雞肉中僅雞胸與雞翅具顯著替代性;不同部位的豬肉與雞肉互不替代。支出彈性以豬雜最高。 家計單位主要採購者的教育程度愈高,排骨及雞翅的購買愈多。若主要採購者為家庭主婦,而其教育程度為國小及以下的家計單位在豬雜方面消費較多。家計單位中若有6歲以下的幼童,其排骨的消費較多。有7至12歲學齡兒童的家計單位消費較多後腿肉。有36至50歲壯年人口的家計單位,較偏好腹脅肉及雞翅。有50歲以上中年及老年人口的家計單位消費較多豬腳。所得對背脊肉的消費有正向的影響,對腹脅肉的消費則有負向的影響。


Pork and chicken are major meat consumption products in Taiwan. This study utilized cross-sectional consumption survey data to estimate price and expenditure elasticities of pork cuts and chicken parts. Consumption patterns of pork and chicken were also evaluated using socioeconomic variables. Among pork cuts, pork loins were very price elastic. Chicken wings were more responsive to own-price changes than other chicken parts. Only pork loins and ribs were substitutes among different pork cuts. For chicken parts, breasts and wings could substitute each other. Different pork cuts and chicken parts did not show any substitutability. Edible pork offal had the largest expenditure elasticity. Household shoppers with higher educational levels tended to purchase more ribs and chicken wings. If the shoppers were housewives with educational levels of elementary schools or less, they tended to buy more edible pork offal. Households having children under 6 tended to consume more ribs. Households having children between the ages of 7 to 12 ate more ham. Households having adults between the ages of 36 to 50 preferred pork bellies and chicken wings. Households having adults over 50 ate more pork shanks. Income had positive effects on consumption of pork loins, but had negative effects on pork bellies.


Demand Analysis Meat Cuts


