  • 期刊


Education of Global Logistic Management for Industry and College



迎接網際網路邁入全球化暨國際化之管理紀元,各企業之經營模式模不朝向網路貿易虛擬化、單據作業無紙化、管理作業效率化等目標大步邁進,「全球運籌管理e化」因應而生,以助於企業即時掌握貿易商機、有效降低財務成本並監控風險、強化整體國際化運作效率。 在企業邁向國際化同時,面臨在產銷管理、配銷管理、物流管理、國際財管、進出口管理等資訊分享及整合方面的問題,透過結合產業界、學界策略結盟之「推動產學合作教育」計畫、落實學生「學有專長」及符合業界「網羅專才」互惠雙贏之目標,社會學習資源不致重複或浪費,並能積極配合政府推動產業電子化整合目標。 本校「全球運籌管理產學合作科技教育」計畫,整合過去數年投入發展之「產業化電子中心實驗室」中生產面及物流配送面之基礎,延伸至企業內部財務金融國際化(金流國際化)、通關自動化過程並結合完全之全球運籌管理(物流全球化)、商情及決策資訊系統網站架設(資訊流及時代),以因應本國加入WTO之後,企業競爭力之提昇,大步邁向國化之管理紀元。


When a business expands its market and trys to become an international company, it usually will face the management and integration problems in production, distribution, financing, logistics and information sharing. Only through the corporation between industry and school, students can learn a serial of solid courses specially designed to suit an industry’s need, the society and school resources therefore won’t be a waste. In year 2002, the International Trade Department got a project from the Administration of Education. This project was to integrate the resources including labs, courses and teaching among five departments of CHIT. The program of Global Logistics Management was established for this project. After taking certain courses for 15 credtis, students will be granded a Certificate of Global Logistics Management. A lab named Global Logistics Management Education Center was set up for research and teaching purpose. Other important works for the project including a serial of serminars, cases of global logistics management and operation manuals of softwares as teaching aids. During past year, the faculty of the department of international trade had devoted great efforts on the project. Of course, we faced a lot of difficulty too. However, with the supports from school and corporated firms, we overcame the problems. Finally, we do hope our students can be more competitive and find a good job. It will be the best reward for our efforts on the project.


