  • 期刊


The Study of Civil Aircraft Interior System Simulation Trainer



本文係以Boeing 747 飛機等相關系列飛機技術手冊和技術訓練手冊為藍本, 綜整與研析「民航飛機機內燈系統」之線路和操控狀況,以及各項維修操作與可 能之故障排除狀態等。除自行模擬設計線路外,並預設20 種故障狀態,使學習者 能藉以執行故障分析及故障排除之訓練,而達到實務教學與訓練之目的。考量航 太之零組件、裝備及器材等,均需依據航空法規驗證,方能安裝於真正的航空器 上,勢必造成訓練裝備採購價格之增加,因此,本研究改用一般電子、電器之器 材與零組件,並參考各型軍用及民航飛機相關技術手冊及技術資料,研製一套可 模擬「民航飛機機內燈系統」之模擬訓練器;其總共耗時2,739 工時,總經費支 出NT$ 37,843 元,俾滿足國內航空實務教學與維修訓練需求,達到手腦並用之目 的。


.This study is employed Boeing 747 aircraft maintenance technical manuals andtraining manuals to analyze and to simulate the aircraft interior lighting systems whichinclude electric circuit, control states, as well as its maintenance, operation, repair, andtrouble-shooting. The trainee can be trained by a step by step procedure by using thesimulation trainer for the circuit and twenty trouble shooting cases. In this project, wedesigned and manufactured the electrical circuit diagram and a control box for thesimulation trainer with thecommonlyusedindustrialelectricalandelectroniccomponents instead of the military or avionic components. The cost of the trainingequipment is reduced dramatically and we can still get the aviation level of trainingand practice. The whole project took 2,739 man-hours with relatively small amount ofbudget of NT$ 37,843. It is show that a reliable ”aircraft interior lighting systems”simulation trainer is established which can meet the aviation maintenance trainingpurpose.
