  • 期刊


Site Screening and Evaluation of Rural Sand and Gravel Planning Areas in Hualien County, Taiwan


台灣隨著經濟成長與國內各項重大公共工程建設的日遽發展與急遞增加,所需求的砂石原料資源供應更顯迫切及需要。近年政府爲配合砂石料源多元化,轉向陸砂的開發。本省東部的砂石資源賦存量豐富,本研究係調查評選花蓮縣、平地(農地)砂石資源、規劃區。 花蓮縣平地(農地)砂石資源豐富,估計最少可採量約有40.98億立方公尺(約82億公噸),品質試驗分析結果得知花蓮縣、平地(農地)砂石品質佳者分布於吉安、壽豐、南平、萬榮、光復、富源及玉里等處,占全縣農地砂石面積較少;中級砂石品質者分布於壽豐、鳳林大部分地區、光復部分地區及瑞穗、玉里等處,約占全縣農地砂石面積的絕大部分;劣級品質者則分布於瑞穗及玉里以南的少部分一帶,占全縣、面積極少部分。 本研究計畫係依排除式-條件式-比較式等三階段因子並配合地理資訊系統(G.I.S.)爲篩選工具,並以地質、社徑、交通及環境等作爲評選過程中的重要考量因素,逐步評選出台糖大富、大農、萬里、中原、林田、平和農場,以及退輔會長良及花蓮農場等人處爲候選規劃區,而以台糖中原和林田農場合併爲最佳規劃區。研究結果可供政府作爲花蓮縣、平地(農地)砂石規劃區之重要參考。


In recent years the booming economy and large public construction works have resulted in urgent demand for use of sands and gravels in Taiwan. In order to meet the government's policy of developing multiple supplies of resources in the near future, an investigation of development of sand and gravel deposits on rural land is being conducted. The eastern part of Taiwan is endowed with significant potential resources of sand and gravel, so we investigated and evaluated the potential areas of sands and gravels production on rural land in Hualien County. This report discusses the site screening and evaluation processes, elements of the screening method, background materials used and the evaluations used in the screening activity from regional studies of Hualien County. Also the geologic investigation and the quality of rural sands and gravels have been studied. Basic geological data, social economics, transportation and environmental information have been gathered for a GIS site screening process. Eight potential areas were selected during the first step of the screening process. Further screening and evaluation process resulted in a combination of Taiwan Sugar Corporation's Chungyuan and Lintien Farms to be the best planning area for sand and gravel resources in Hualien County. Study results will provide valuable reference information for the government to implement planning areas for sand and gravel resources in Hualien County.


