  • 期刊


Exploring Students' Cultural Concepts When Teaching German as a Foreign Language: A Task-Based Teaching Method


「文化」的定義廣泛,在德語課程裡經常以德語區的節慶、各地小吃、經濟產業等為主題以介紹地方特色等形式來傳達文化,目的在使學習者對目標語之文化背景有所認識,並用目標語做適當的跨文化溝通。課程中經常單方面的以目標語文化特色爲重心,造成教學上忽略學生對「文化」的概念生疏,也忽略了學生對自己母語的「文化」認識不深,然而,跨文化交際並非單方面的對德語區文化的認識,而是也應能藉著習得之外語將本身的文化傳播到國際舞台,達到雙向文化交流,才是真正的跨文化溝通。 本論文闡述Studio d系列德語教材編撰者以何種形式傳達文化認知,舉例本人在德語教學實務經驗中如何逆向思考,以任務型教學法啟發學生的文化認知,不去影響學生既有的文化認知,加強學生對台灣文化的認識,並以習得的德語作爲工具介紹台灣文化城市及其特色;綜合歸納學生的文化認知,找出學生的「文化」概念層次,加強學生對本身文化的認識,以期落實雙向跨文化交際之終極教學目標。


The word ”culture” is used to describe the distinctive behaviors, ideas and beliefs of the people living in a particular geographical area. To learn a foreign language implies concurrently learning the culture of the target language; therefore, one of the most important tasks in learning the language is to engage in appropriate intercultural communication. This task can be achieved only if the cultural backgrounds of the speakers on both sides are taken into consideration. Teachers of a foreign language usually focus on the target culture while teaching that language and pay less attention to the receptive facilities the students already have, that is, how they understand the foreign culture via their own strategies. Usually holidays, foods and economic production are the main topics in textbooks for German as a foreign language and various courses focusing on the German nation and its people. Accordingly, this research is an attempt to (1) analyze the way that the target-language culture is presented in German textbooks and (2) explore ways to determine the cultural concepts of the students. This report presents a teaching example, in which I used a task-based instructional method to stimulate the students’ awareness of their own cultural concepts in their study of German language courses. Through those tasks, the cultural awareness of the students was aroused without direct reference to the phenomenon.


Albrecht, U.(ed.),Dane, D.(ed.),Fandrych, C.(ed.),Grüßhaber, G.(ed.),Henningsen, U.(ed.),Kilimann, A.(ed.),Schäfer, T.(ed.)(2001).Passwort Deutsch 1. Kurs- und Übungsbuch.Stuttgart:Klett.


