  • 期刊


A Study on the Growth Model of Education and Training of Human Resources for a Learning Organization: Taiwan-based Benchmarking Enterprises


Peter senge[45]在「第五項修練」一書中,首先提出學習型組織的概念,引起學術界及企業界的重視,並將之視為企業競爭優勢的泉源。其五項修練為:(l)系統性思考;(2)自我超越;(3)改善心智模式;(4)建立共同願景;(5)團隊學習。台灣企業亦紛紛依此五項修練的原則來建構學習型企業組織,進行組織變革與再造,以迎向知識經濟時代的經營挑戰。 企業經營環境瞬息萬變,應變太慢或無應變能力的企業將被淘汰,尤其是學習型企業組織,必須不斷地學習、成長、變革與創新,企業內人力資源的素質是最重要的因素,而教育訓練更是推動人力素質提升的動力。透過教育訓練的實施可以讓組織成員具有應變的能力,組織可適時調整營運方針、經營策略,加強企業生存的強度。 本研究首先整理國內外理論與實務相關文獻進行探討、整理及分析,並以多個案研究的方式,針對國內學習型企業組織:宏暮、台灣IBM、台灣應材、聲寶、統一(7-ELEVEN)超商、亞都麗緻飯店等標竿企業進行人力資源教育訓練成長模式之研究,個案公司包含高科技、傳統、零售及觀光服務等產業領域。 研究結果發現個案公司的教育訓練成長模式大致可歸納為:(1)公司文化、使命願景與團隊價值觀的重視;(2)專業知識與技能的提升;(3)系統思考、研發與創新能力的激發;(4)危機管理與組織變革能力的提升;(5)經營管理與績效管理知能的提升;(6)策略規劃與專案管理能力的培養;(7)人際關係與組織溝通;及(8)內部創業;及(9)國際觀等導向。 本研究並嘗試導出Y=f(公司文化、使命願景與團隊價值觀,專業知識與技能,系統思考、研發與創新能力,危機管理與變革能力,經營管理與績效管理的知能,策略規劃與專案管理能力,人際關係與組織溝通,內部創業與創業家精神,國際觀,其他)之函數模式。 本研究可提供企業經營者、社會大眾及人力資源教育訓練相關學術研究的參考。


In his book The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge [45] proffered the concept of a learning organization which appealed to academics and entrepreneurs, who considered it a source of their competitive advantage over their business rivals. The five disciplines refer to systemic thinking, personal mastery, improving mental models, building shared visions and team learning. With the underlying principles of these five disciplines, Taiwan-based enterprises can build their learning organizations and reform and reconstruct their organization in order to enter the era of a knowledge-based economy. The business environment is changing so rapidly that an enterprise which is slow in its reaction to changes or incapable of reacting to changes will eventually be forced to leave the market. A learning organization must continue learning, developing, reforming and being creative. Human resources are the most important factor in the success of an enterprise, while education and training boost the quality of human resources. Education and training not only enable members of an organization to cope with changes, but they also help the organization make timely adjustments to its guidelines and strategies for business operation and enhance the viability of the organization. This research involves the study, review and analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the theories and practice relating to learning organizations. Then, the ways in which Taiwan-based learning organizations, that is, benchmarking enterprises such as Acer, IBM (Taiwan), Applied Materials Taiwan (AMT), Sampo, 7-Eleven Convenience Stores and the Landis Taipei Hotel, etc, implement education, training and development of their human resources are investigated by means of case studies. The cases examined are engaged mostly in high-tech industry, retailing, tourism and the service sector. According to the findings of this research, the growth methods of education and training adopted by the cases are divided into the following categories, namely (1) assessment of the importance of corporate culture, vision, mission, and team values; (2) advancement of expertise and skills; (3) encouragement of systemic thinking, research, development, and innovation; (4) management of crisis and organizational change; (5) promotion of knowledge and ability pertaining to business administration and performance management; (6) training in strategy planning and project management; (7) human relations and organizational communication; (8) internal entrepreneurship; and (9) the international viewpoint, etc. Furthermore, an attempt is made to work out the function model, y=f, which incorporates all the aforementioned categories. This research is potentially useful to entrepreneurs, the general public and researchers devoted to human resources education and training.


