  • 期刊

Utilizing Evaluation to Develop Extension Strategy for Vegetable Farmers in Taiwan







Over the past years, extension programs have been conceptualized to be in a mode of ”adoption” over Taiwan. In other words, the Taiwanese extension practitioners have advocated the development of programs that would reach large groups of farmers with the goal of increasing awareness, knowledge and skills, and inducing alterations in their practices. Evaluation approaches within this mode tend to focus on measuring the goals mentioned above among as many participants as possible. These evaluation methods are typically conducted preceding and following the program. Therefore, the extension evaluations conducted in Taiwan are primarily used to judge the merits of the existing programs and seldom used for developing new extension strategy for the farmers. Having realized that the ”traditional” evaluation approaches have been inadequate, the author of this paper has conducted an evaluation to examine an on-going program implemented by the local Farmers' Associations in 127 sites of vegetable farmers' research clubs. Using this program as a frame of reference, this evaluation project intends to: (1) portray the activities and workings implemented in the extension program (including project design and implementation, extension delivery system, educational methods, and uses of funds); (2) organize and interpret the information learned from (1); and (3) present the conclusions of the evaluation and propose appropriate extension strategy for vegetable farmers.To highlight the perspectives of the program activities, this evaluation has focused on these questions: Why do the people (including extension agents and farmers) participate in the program? What does the program allow these people to do? Finally, how can the people benefit from this program? Three kinds of evaluation techniques are designed to portray the perspectives of the program. They are: (1) Document: the documentation of the program for vegetable farmers with the information gathered by organizations ranging from the central government to local agricultural agencies. They include agricultural councils established by the central government, university extension stations, provincial governments, and regional agricultural experimentation stations. (2) Survey: a survey conducted throughout 10% of the sites that implement the program for vegetable farmers. Both farmers and local extension agents overseeing the program are interviewed with elaborate questionnaires. Finally, (3) Field Notes: a structured list distributed to interviewers requesting to note any event he/she observes while in the field.The evident information resulting from the deliberate evaluation methods presents several important implications for future strategy. They are: (1) Delivery system including the linkage of infrastructures and interstructures in the Farmers' Associations; (2) Accessibility: multiform resources of innovative information for farmers: (3) Leadership involvement: farmers' independence; (4) Collaboration: farmers' cooperation in producing and marketing; and (5) Venturing: innovation.
