  • 期刊


Corporate Governance and Patent: Evidence from Emerging Taiwan Market




The agency problem of listed companies in East Asia is closely related to their typical concentrated ownership structures. Tight control creates an entrenchment problem that allows controlling owners' self-interested behaviors to go unchallenged internally by the boards of directors or externally by takeover markets. The primary objective of this paper is to explore the association between ownership structure, measured by the divergence between the ultimate owner's control and the equity ownership level、director of board、and innovation. Following the prior studies (Francis and Smith, 1995), this paper use patents granted in Intellectual Property Office of Taiwan as a proxy for innovation activities. We find that innovation is significantly and negatively related to the level of the agency problem; Secondly, we also find that the adverse effects of controlling owner acting as chair of the board or CEO, or as director (independent supervisors) on innovation increase in the divergence between the ultimate owner's control and the equity ownership level. Our findings appear to be robust with respect to the alternative of including the estimated value of patents as opposed to the number of patents as the explanatory variable. The documented association is more pronounced for ”Invention patents” patents relative to all patents.


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葉淑容(2007)。台灣地區金融控股公司競爭策略形成與執行力之探討-以 F公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2007.01200
