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Parasitism of Two Species of Caligus (Copepoda: Caligidae) on Wild and Cultured Grouper in Viet Nam

越南野生及養殖石斑之二種魚虱(Copepoda: Caligidae)寄生蟲病


石斑養殖在越南是一個重要的收入來源。然而,在過去十年,這個產業經歷許多嚴重疾病的案例,包括由寄生蟲引起的疾病。本研究在調查越南二種常見的石斑(點帶石斑及布氏石斑)之魚虱類的流行和強度。實驗用樣本皆由半鹹水和海水中取得,總數為469尾魚(包含241尾點帶石斑及228尾布氏石斑),來源包含野生、池塘養殖及箱網養殖。調查結果發現有二種魚虱Caligus epidemicus及C. multispinosus。又,在皮膚或鰓部發現魚虱的幼虫。本研究結果得知寄主種類間及相同寄主種間之寄生虫負荷均會因環境而異。


Grouper culture is an important source of income in Viet Nam. However, during the last decade, the industry has suffered numerous serious disease outbreaks, including some due to pathogenic parasites. This study examined the prevalence and intensity of Caligus species on two commonly cultured Vietnamese groupers, Epinephelus coioides and E. bleekeri. A total of 469 fish (241 Epinephelus coioides, 228 E. bleekeri) from both brackish and marine waters, including wild, pond cultured and cage cultured fish, were examined. Two caligid species, Caligus epidemicus and C. multispinosus, were found. In addition, caligid larvae were found on skin and/or gills. Differences in parasite burden were found between host species and within host species by environment.


Caligus Copepoda epidemiology Epinephelus Vietnam
