  • 期刊


Development and Evaluation of Taiwan Hemlock Distribution Model in Taiwan


生物多樣性研究為目前生態學上重要的研究議題,為了更加瞭解物種生態,建立不同物種的分布模式是現階段研究的重要工作。臺灣過去的植群研究大多為區域性的研究,較少有臺灣全島尺度的分布研究。本研究以臺灣全島為研究區,利用第三次森林資源調查的資料,以兩個環境影響層級最高層因子:緯度及海拔,運用非線性的二階邏輯迴歸建立臺灣鐵杉的分布模式。研究結果顯示,該模式可有效預測臺灣鐵杉於臺灣的分布狀況。其中分布機率0.5等值線在臺灣中部的最高海拔可達3,600 m,到了南部北大武山約下降至3,100 m,此模式印證大山塊加熱效應導致中臺灣因海拔上升溫度較高所造成臺灣鐵杉在海拔分布上的擴張,形成臺灣鐵杉於臺灣南北兩端壓縮的現象。此外本研究發現,在海拔2,500 m 以下,臺灣鐵杉傾向於與檜木混生,海拔2,500 m 以上則傾向與臺灣冷杉混生,此分布模式之建立的確可顯示臺灣鐵杉分布的特性。


Recently species biodiversity has become an important research topic. To understand the botany of Taiwan, the development of distribution models of different species is an essential task at the present stage. Past studies of plant communities in Taiwan were often conducted for regional areas, where research compised for the entire Taiwan is rare. This study employed the dataset from the Third Forest and Land Use Inventory of Taiwan. Two factors at the highest level of environmental approximation, latitude and altitude, to develop a second-order logistic regression model for Taiwan Hemlock. Results show that these two environmental factors are capable of predicting the distribution of Taiwan Hemlock effectively. The probability 0.5 contour line reached 3,600 m in middle Taiwan but dropped to 3,100 m near Pei-Da-Wu Mountain. This trend proves that the model is able to demonstrate the consequences of the Massenerhebung Effect. Such effect which caused Taiwan Hemlock to establish at higher altitudes in middle Taiwan, because of higher temperature, and the compression at the north and south ends of Taiwan. This study has also found that Taiwan Hemlock tends to mix with Taiwan Cypress below 2,500 m, whereas above the altitude mix with Taiwan Fir. The model developed in this study is competent to explain and predict the distribution characteristics of Taiwan Hemlock.


Yao, C. (2008). 資料探勘技術應用於Maxent物種分布模式之變數篩選─以台灣鐵杉為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.02981
