  • 期刊

Variation of Indoor air Pollution Associated with Ventilation Systems in Two Seasons




本研究針對台灣典型辦公大樓,分析在不同季節(夏冬兩季)與不同空調系統與通風換氣效率變因下,其室內空氣品質變動對應污染物濃度影響。研究採用之環境評估模式包括物理性因子(空氣交換效率、溫度、相對濕度、室內微風速),化學污染因子(揮發性有機污染物、甲醛、懸浮微粒與其他特別污染物)以及生物性因子(空氣傳播的黴菌、細菌、細菌內毒素、灰塵過敏原以及其他),在採樣期間戶外點與室內點同時進行長時間多點採樣,並採用即時監測儀器同步比對。 結果顯示冬季生物性污染物濃度遠高於夏季,且室內黴菌群組分佈與戶外不同,顯示室內有不同滋生源;另外大量的空氣污染物包括苯、甲苯、甲醛以及細菌內毒素等,其室內/室外濃度比皆高於1,說明對人體健康有明顯危害的污染物質,其室內污染源影響較大;室內溫濕度雖控制於舒適範圍,但室內空氣齡與有效空氣交換率結果顯示不同區域別的差異非常大,且室內多數有空氣滯留區。 歸結室內空氣品質明顯受到多種因子相互影響,包括外氣空氣交換效率、人員活動模式,以及室內使用材料與維護管理等;進行室內環境量測,透過多數指標性之室內污染物與相關因子量測,且必須具備與環境變化即時量測儀器系統,方可釐清相關污染物質影響程度。本研究成果有助於室內空氣品質管制策略中,對應辦公建築室內不同污染來源與影響,並可據此擬定後續指標污染物與環境因子調查定位與設定。


This study to examine the variation of indoor air quality (IAQ) at a large office building equipped with different types of ventilation systems in 2 seasons was conducted at downtown of Taipei City, Taiwan. Environmental assessments included the physical (air change rate, temperature, relative humidity and velocity), chemical(volatile organic compounds, suspended particulate and others)and biological factors(airborne fungi, bacteria, endotoxins, dust allergens and others). Under all circumstances, the corresponding outdoor samples were taken along with every indoor sample. Concentrations of biological pollutants were higher in winter than in summer, and the distributions of indoor fungal groups were different from outdoors. In addition, a great number of the air pollutants, including benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, and several microbial contaminants, showed the ratio of indoor to outdoor concentrations far greater than 1. The indoor age of air varied extensively and suggested that the air indoors might have been at a stagnant condition. In conclusion, IAQ was apparently affected by multiple factors, including outdoor air, ventilation efficiency, human activity patterns and others. Having concurrently measured nearly all indoor air pollutants that could be assessed by instruments operating at field, findings of this investigation suggested that a comprehensive study design including all variables addressed is essential when reporting the status of IAQ in any building of interest. The result can be the significantly reference to further IAQ control research of the indicators of pollutants in office buildings.


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