  • 期刊


A Study on Modes of the Servitization of Manufacturing




With the trend towards blurred boundaries between manufacturing and services, the servitization of manufacturing (also known as industrial services, servicizing) has surged as an important thrust of transformation for a growing number of manufactures. The servitization of manufacturing may involve issues, such as strategic realignment at the corporate level, the rearrangement of intra-firm and inter-firm organizations and institutional relationships, capability-building, and new pricing and revenue models. This paper refers to the existing literature to propose three modes of the servitization of manufacturing; namely Mode 1: Product Extension Service, Mode 2: Product Function Service, and Mode 3: Integrated Solution. The paper goes further to make comparisons between a few domestic and foreign cases by referring to three dimensions, including: 1. Supply chain: the reconfiguration of the supply chain vs. the value creation of new supply chain; 2. Offering: functional offering of product/service vs. innovative offering of product/service; 3. Complexity: low technology/system complexity vs. high technology/system complexity. Based on the above dimensions, via case comparison, the study attempts to spotlight the differences in the essence and business models of servitization between a few domestic and foreign firms. Finally, the paper proposes the possible paths of servicizing and draws policy implication.


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易承乾(2015)。運用「製造服務化」推動製造業轉型之研究 -以光學鍍膜S公司為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2015.00649
