  • 期刊


Flight Fatigue: Conception and Prevention


人體的生物時鐘受到陽光的主宰,使得體溫、內分泌、和神經活性等呈現晝夜節律的週期性,進而導致人類行為表現的起伏性變化。倘若作息的時間與生物節律悖逆,例如夜晚輪班和空中旅行,將會產生各種疲勞的症狀,吾人必須藉休息性睡眠來恢復體力和精力。 飛行疲勞是飛安事故的「催化劑」,無論是民航或軍航飛行員,疲勞有如酒精和藥物,將會損害他們的判斷和操作能力。民航機飛行員的疲勞多來自跨時區飛行和睡眠喪失;軍機飛行員的疲勞多來自長時間的持續工作和夜間執行作戰任務。疲勞是逼近人體生理極限的警訊,非能藉由訓練來克服。 1980年,美國太空總署曾經應國會的要求,進行飛行組員疲勞的生理研究達十餘年,終於提出有效的預防對策,包括睡眠的衛生、預劃的座艙內休息、和飲食的配合等,這些研究結果值得我國民航業界的參考借鏡。 沙漠風暴戰役後,夜間作戰的策略孚受軍方的重視。戰時為了特殊的需要,不得不使用興奮劑和安眠藥,然而,以藥物干預睡眠和醒覺的週期乃控制疲勞最後訴求的手段。平日航醫必須時常接觸飛行員,觀察他們是否有疲勞的徵兆,俾能防患於朱然。


飛行疲勞 晝夜節律 睡眠


The human biological clock is paced by sunlight. Some of biological processes including body temperature, plasma hormone level, and autonomic nervous activity exhibit a 24-hour periodicity. Shift work and air travel may cause the disturbance of biological rhythms and generate the feeling of fatigue. In these situations, we need some good quality sleep to restore energy. From time to time, fatigue is a catalyst for many aviation mishaps. Fatigue itself could be an insidious problem like alcohol or drugs. whether for civil aircrews or for military pilots, impairing judgment and degrading performance. Fatigue may be the effects of rapid transmeridian flight or sleep deprivation for long-haul air transportation. On the other hand, sustained daytime work or extended night flight mission also brings about fatigue for military operation. In 1980, responding to a congressional request, NASA Ames Research Center conducted a research program on flight crew fatigue for more than ten years. This work provided some practical countermeasures, such as sleep hygiene, planned cockpit rest. proper nutrition, and so forth, which is worthy of learning by airline administrations. After the Persian Gulf War, the successful strategy of night operation was highlighted by the military. To meet the request of war time, stimulants and hypnotics could be used to help to prolong alertness or shorten the onset of sleep. Nevertheless, pharmacological intervention in the sleep/wake cycle was regarded as a last resort in aircrew fatigue management. Flight surgeon should be in daily contact with all crewmembers to provide a good base noting behavioral and personality changes heralding fatigue.



