  • 期刊


A Study on Physical Education in Teaching Concerns of the Elementary School Teachers


本研究主要探討國小教師體育教學的關注情形,了解不同背景變項教師體育教學關注的差異,以台北縣國民小學擔任體育教學的教師為對象,採分層隨機叢集抽樣方式,共發出問卷360份,有效樣本213份(佔59%)。本研究以Fuller教學關注理論為依據,以自我(self)、工作(task)與影響(impact)為構面,採用自編的國小教師體育教學關注量表為工具,量表經探索性因素分析發現總解釋變異量為52.4%,總量表之Cronbach α信度係數為0.90,各分量表信度係數為0.79 ~ 0.81,本研究建構的體育教學關注量表具有良好的信效度,各背景變項教師體育教學關注差異的統計方法採用獨立樣本單因子多變量分析(one-way MANOVA)與薛費法(Scheffe' mothed)事後比較。結論如下:一、不同背景變項教師的教學關注有顯著差異存在,其中性別、任教職務、教育背景、任教意願有顯著差異存在。二、本研究並未符合於Fuller的教學關注發展理論,顯示任教國小體育課教師,無法有專業的生涯發展跡象出現。三、專任體育教師較會關注體育教學工作的內外在環境與課程計劃的實施。本研究結果建議國小體育教學及健康與體育領域課程宜採科任制,以促成國小體育課程專業化的發展;未來可探討國中、高中與大專院校體育教師教學關注情形。


The main purpose of the paper was to explore about physical education in teaching concerns of the elementary school teacher, and deeply understood whether the different background variables was significant difference. 1'he subjects were the elementary school teachers who were sampled based on nine administrative divisions in Taipei county. There were 360 questionnaires were mailed, and all of returned questionnaires had 213 valid questionnaires that 59 % were returned validly. The paper based on Fuller's teacher concerns theory. 'The scale of the paper had three subscales, including self ,task and impact. The explained variances of the scale have 52.4%, and Cronbachαvalue of reliability was between .79 and .81 in subsca1es. Finally, the one-way MANOVA and Scheffe's method was used to analyze statistical data. The results as follows: (l) The teachers of the different background variables reached significant differences. Including gender, duty, educational background, teaching willingness, but teachers' background variables of teaching experienced years and teaching grade were not significant differences. (2)The results didn't meet Fuller's teacher concern theory. (3)The results showed that the task concern subscale was different significantly only at different duty variable, and professional physical educator had higher concern than classroom teacher. Based on the results of the study, the suggestion is that elementary physical education curriculum should adopt specialist teacher to substitute classroom teacher in physical education curriculum, and the future studies was also discussed.


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