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An Empirical Study of the Relationships between Power of Leaders and the Employee's Job Involvement from Perceived Justice and Relationship Quality Perspectives




The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the power of leaders on the employee's job involvement from perceived justice and relationship quality perspectives. Furthermore, this paper broadly reviews and integrates the past theory literature to serve as the basis of theory and conceptual framework. Despite power is an intangible force in organizations, the study of power and its influence processes is very popular in organizational studies and continues to draw attention from researchers. Therefore, with regard to the power in action of leaders and influence result, it is worthy of understanding in depth. During these years, issues of organizational justice was also attracted by researchers. In fact, LMX theory has implications for organizational justice since the focus of LMX is on the development of differentiated (in-group/out-group) leader- member relationships. This paper tried to discuss the topic that has been sparse in the past from a full view and appropriately cleared a number of vague relations. Especially, researchers have discussed less in the relation between bases of non-economic power and distributive justice. The results show that: 1. There exists significantly positive relationship between non-economical powers and distributive justice. 2. There exists negative relationship that the loyalty and job involvement but without so much significant. 3. Non-economical power of leaders will influence the employees' job involvement in some degree that depends on the procedural justice along with affect. The above inclusion is again to strengthen the rationality of this study framework. Therefore the leader should not ignore the key role of justice along with affect, and go to implement the procedural justice, and establish network mechanism for public relationship, which can make job involvement through job agreement by employee, and further speed up pursuing organization goal.


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