  • 期刊


The Effects of Cursor Control Strategies Based on Assessment of the Combined Tasks and Movement Analyses




Persons with physical impairment were unable to operate the general computer well because of inefficient cursor control. Therefore, the mouse and cursor control assessment based on the concept of the activity analysis were developed in this study. The assessment for the health professionals to accurately find out the problems of the cursor movement while physically impaired persons perform a website-browsing, helps form a adaptive strategy to improve the efficiency of the cursor control. The pre-post comparative crossover design for group research were used to evaluate the effects of the new access adaptive strategy. Twenty physically disabled participants were enrolled in this study. Two counterbalanced experimental sessions of either the new strategy or the original strategy across participants were arranged based on the principle of crossover design. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was applied to compare the results between the new strategy and the original strategy in the performances of cursor control. The efficiency, the number of error times and the number of trials of the dependent variables showed significant differences during the applications of the original and new access adaptive strategy to the physically-impaired group. By means of the assessment of the combination of the multi-step tasks and the indicators of the cursor control, we found out the problem of the activity of the cursor operation and the error type. Meanwhile, the characteristics of the motor pattern reflect in the performance of the cursor movement in the ecological context, guiding the practitioners to form the strategy for these clients.


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